I remember watching a scifi series when I was growing up - it was either in the late 80s or early 90s that I watched it. These are elements I can recall
- The world was polluted or contaminated somehow
- There were humans living in communities of a sort that had a higher level of technology that had cleaner air
- The humans out in the polluted areas were more Mad Max-like and I think were mutated somehow or other
- The 2 human elements were not friendly towards each other and there was a fair bit of conflict between them
- Some of the cast for the humans in the community were more militarized and would go out to try and help people or to do repairs and such
- I think that the terrain was more desert like for the most case
I don't remember much beyond these aside from the fact that I enjoyed the show. Does anybody recall the name of this show? I think that it was more serious than comedy, but I'm remembering from a child's perspective.