At the end of in TNG : Lonely Among Us, Data states that Picard's...
"...physical pattern is here....his energy has moved into the transporter relays by now."
I've been reading a lot about how the transporters work. There's mention of a life force, there's mention of a matter stream, there's mention of sub-atomic particles, there's mention of Heisenberg compensators to adjust for motion, etc. It's very confusing to me. But just when I thought I kind of understood it, at least in theory (after all it is science FICTION), this episode really confused me.
What exactly was Data putting back together? What is the "energy" he speaks of? How does that differ from the physical pattern? Are we talking about a soul?
If you are saying that the energy is simply some sort of kinetic energy, nuclear energy, deals with covalent bonds, or something of that nature, could you please explain why a substitute of the same type of energy wouldn't work?
Also how did the pattern stay in place? Wouldn't the transporter have simply transported it whether his energy was present or not? After all it will transport inanimate matter.