In the reimagined Battlestar Galactica pilot, a major plot point was that the Cylons now had the ability to hack or disrupt networked computer systems, thus forcing the Colonial Fleet to rely on older, non-networked craft such as the Viper Mark II and the Galactica itself.
At numerous junctures in the show, comments were made about retro-fitting the newer Viper Mark VII craft to remove the networked AI systems and make them analog like the Mark II, but I don't recall this ever happening on-screen. In fact, it seems like ONLY the Mark II model was used throughout the run of the show.
Were the Mark VII Vipers ever retro-fitted and used in the show?
The preferred answer will include a screenshot of Mark II and VII Vipers fighting the Cylons together later in the series (i.e. - not from the pilot episode). It would also be nice to know what episode featured the retrofit.