In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, chapter one The Dark Lord Ascending, Voldemort believes he must use a wand other than his own in order to kill Harry, when Harry is moved from Privet Drive. He demands Lucius Malfoy's wand, and gets it.
My question is, why did Voldemort take the wand of one of his most loyal servants, rendering Lucius Malfoy useless if a battle was to occur?
If I remember correctly, he had Ollivander at his disposal, and he was the one who told him to use another wand in first place. Why not ask Ollivander to create another wand, or just use ones that he had ready to sell in his shop at Diagon Alley? He could even have taken Ollivander's own wand. If my memories are correct, a wand's importance was compared to that of a limb.