For example there's this car chase, where a part of the T-1000 stays in the car, but John throws it out and it flows back into the terminator. What would have happened if this part was hidden somewhere, thrown into the sea or something like that? Would the T-1000 just lose weight and become smaller? Would he also get weaker? Or dumber? What percentage would you have to take away to make him completely harmless?
This question is even more intriguing considering the 'Hasta la vista, baby' scene. What if the T-800 would take a decent part of the frozen particles and carry them away?
Edit: While some aspects of the question How are the T-1000's programming and memory stored? are somewhat similar, it's not a duplicate. That question asks what happens, when some blobs are lost. I'm asking how many blobs you would have to take away to destroy a liquid metal terminator?