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the maximum warp speed [duplicate]

In voyager s2e15 "Threshold" we get the information that maximum speed is warp 9.999 and if a vessel gets to warp 10 would be beyond time and space and probably exists in multiple places and points at ...
Δημητρης Μποσκιδης's user avatar
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How was warp 44 achieved in Star Trek: The Animated Series, when warp 10 was impossible in later series? [duplicate]

In the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode, "The Counter-Clock Incident", the Enterprise is on an assignment to facilitate one of the earliest captains of the Enterprise, who'd reached ...
kesarling's user avatar
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In Star Trek, how fast is warp 9.99?

The Prometheus class ship is said to be the fastest in Starfleet at a blazing 9.99 warp. Please forgive my maths shortcoming but I can't get my head around this number. I know the equation is here on ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Is the Voyager episode "Threshold" considered canon?

The Star Trek: Voyager episode "Threshold" is a popular target of ridicule. Its treatment of the warp scale appears to be inconsistent with the rest of the franchise, and its treatment of evolution is ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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How did Archer conclude that Borg would screw up Earth in 24th century?

In the 22nd century, after the Enterprise NX-01 destroyed a Borg ship, Doctor Phlox told Captain Archer about a subspace message he was receiving when he was infected by the Borg's nanobots. The ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
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Speed in Star Trek

How fast is Impulse, Warp and Warp X speed? As I have understood it, Warp (1) speed = 1x Speed of Light (SoL), i.e. ~300.000 km/s. However, in ST:VOY, they are hurled 70.000 LY from Earth, which ...
FuxieDK's user avatar
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Are trans-warp travel and Warp 10 the same speed?

Is warp 10 the same speed as trans-warp? Does it mean infinite speed in both cases? In the episode Threshold, Tom Paris is experimenting with warp 10 speed and the effects of this on him are quite ...
trejder's user avatar
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What does it actually mean to travel in trans-warp?

As to my knowledge, from many sources (including real Wikipedia), trans-warp (or warp 10) mean the infinite speed and that someone or something is everywhere in the same time. And hard part about ...
trejder's user avatar
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What happened to the modifications to the Enterprise made by the Kelvans?

In the TOS Episode By Any Other Name, the Kelvans make enhancements to the Enterprise, allowing it to travel at far greater speeds than it normally could (it passed warp 11 from memory). I was ...
Often Right's user avatar
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Trek Warp Scale Re-Calibration [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why did the Star Trek writers decide Warp 10 would be infinite? In TOS (I forget the episode) but with some help enterprise reaches warp 13 (or something significantly greater ...
Loki Astari's user avatar