Linked Questions

26 votes
8 answers

Who is the most legitimate heir of the Iron Throne?

After finishing A Dance With Dragons, I'm not sure who has more right to the Iron Throne. Who does, according to the rules of succession in Westeros? Here are the options: 1: 2: 3: 4:
greuze's user avatar
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Comprehensive Rules for Game of Thrones Lines of Succession

I'm three quarters through the third book, "Storm of Swords" right now (so please, no spoilers from too late in the book or any subsequent books). I just read a part where Tyrion is discussing with ...
dspyz's user avatar
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10 answers

If this speculation about Jon Snow is true, would he be allowed to leave the Watch?

So, Jon joined the Night's Watch under the assumption he was the bastard of Ned Stark. This makes sense, since bastards aren't entitled to land or any of the like. But, lets for a second assume that ...
PiousVenom's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Who knows the truth about Jon Snow's parentage (father & mother)

There are a lot of great theories telling us that Eddard Stark couldn't be the father of Jon Snow, like this one: What evidence is there supporting an alternative parentage for Jon Snow? But, who ...
eLRuLL's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

S07E05: Would this person be the rightful heir to the Targaryen throne when born even if Viserys ascended to the throne before their birth?

In S07E05 of Game of Thrones Since Jon was born after Rhaegar Targaryen and the Mad King were killed, at the time of his birth, Viserys Targaryen was the only surviving son of the king, so Viserys ...
SIMEL's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Assume R+L=J is true. How can that ever be proven in the eyes of Westeros? [duplicate]

So let's assume that the relatively ambiguous Tower of Joy scene in season 6 confirms that Jon is indeed In that case, considering the current situation in Westeros as of season 7 (or as of book 5 + ...
Lord Praxis's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Would this character still be a bastard?

In the last episode of season 6 we see what is clearly.. Without getting into the "why" and "if" about this, (It is already covered in many other questions on this site) Just to be clear, i am not ...
Vahx's user avatar
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Has anyone known married for love in Westeros?

Do we have knowledge of someone relatively important (not necessarily a faction heir but neither a peasant) that married only for love? With this I mean that they know each other, a proposal and ...
AleOtero93's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Are there any fully noble-born (and acknowledged) bastards in the Game of Thrones TV show?

In A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones, children born to a noble parent, but out of wedlock, are given special "bastard" surnames. They are openly acknowledged as the children of a noble, and ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How could this character assert his claim on the iron throne?

This question assumes a few facts that could very well be untrue: Given these facts, he would have a valid claim by blood, but this claim would be hard to prove since Ned Stark is dead. How could he ...
JS Lavertu's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Does the Night Watch oath truly end with your death? [closed]

The oath: Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and ...
npocmaka's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Any hints that J might wed D? [closed]

The answers in If J = L + R, why would his claim to the throne come before this Targaryen? suggests that J could still possibly ascend the throne. They both have so-called gentle hearts, and the ...
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