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Questions tagged [a-new-hope]

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977, first movie produced, originally just titled "Star Wars"). Obi-Wan Kenobi finds plans for the new Imperial weapon: The Death Star. He leads Luke Skywalker to join the Rebellion and follow the path of a Jedi. Use with the [star-wars] tag.

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199 votes
7 answers

Why does the Death Star have a trash compactor?

During one of the most iconic scenes of A New Hope, the protagonists end up in a trash compactor. Why does the Death Star have one? Why not just blow uncompacted trash into space? And why a ...
steenbergh's user avatar
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115 votes
8 answers

Why does Leia's accent change during A New Hope?

In the first 30 minutes of Star Wars IV, Leia has a pseudo-British accent. As the movie progresses she loses her accent and gets a more American-tough girl accent. Is there a reason behind this?
riv_rec's user avatar
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111 votes
6 answers

Why was Han Solo on Tatooine?

When Solo meets Greedo in the Mos Eisley cantina, he tells him: I was just going to see your boss. Tell Jabba... Before shooting him and walking out. He doesn't go and see Jabba, so what was he ...
TZHX's user avatar
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90 votes
7 answers

Why specifically was Obi-Wan Kenobi the "only hope" of Princess Leia?

I know that there is a sort of similar question about how Princess Leia knew about Obi-Wan here, but I'm curious as to why and how Princess Leia thought an aging Obi-Wan Kenobi would be of any help to ...
ravensfan009's user avatar
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82 votes
3 answers

Why did Luke use his left hand to shoot?

In A New Hope Detention Center Shoutout scene Luke is clearly shooting with his left hand. Later in this same video at 4:51 he makes a leftie shot more clearly. In The Empire Strikes Back while ...
Nikita Neganov's user avatar
81 votes
3 answers

Why is there an adult Dianoga living on a brand new Death Star?

With reference to this question: What exactly is the creature living in the garbage compactor on the detention level? Why is there a fully grown Dianoga living on a brand new Death Star? The Death ...
JK.'s user avatar
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79 votes
9 answers

Why did Red Squadron give their call signs in random order?

One thing that has always confused me about Star Wars: A New Hope is that at the beginning of the attack on the Death Star, Red Squadron gives their callsigns in random order. Red Leader (presumably ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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78 votes
10 answers

Why does the Star Wars universe use such a primitive technology as data-tapes?

In A New Hope, Admiral Motti says that the Death Star plans were stored on data-tapes. “Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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75 votes
13 answers

Why didn't Obi-Wan remember R2-D2 and C-3PO in A New Hope?

How is it that, per Jedi Grrrl As for Obi-Wan, he forgot all about R2-D2 and C-3PO after spending three whole movies with them I know people might say "well, would you remember a toaster you had ...
zipquincy's user avatar
  • 13.2k
74 votes
7 answers

What did Darth Vader mean by “There’ll be no one to stop us this time.” Who had “stopped” Vader—or the Empire—previously?

In the original Star Wars (1977), the following conversation happens near the end of the first scene after the Star Destroyer Devastator captures Tantive IV and Darth Vader—and his troops—have boarded ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 17.2k
68 votes
2 answers

Who is this character on the Star Wars: A New Hope poster?

This 1990 Russian reworking of the Star Wars: A New Hope poster is a little different from the Western versions. I'm assuming the object at the top is the Death Star but who's the handsome devil at ...
Valorum's user avatar
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66 votes
7 answers

Was there a Biggs Darklighter scene on Tatooine in "A New Hope"?

I was recently watching Star Wars: A New Hope on DVD with my grandson. Biggs Darklighter spoke to Luke in the hangar bay and I was asked "Who is he, grandpa?" I explained he's the one who ...
Danny Mc G's user avatar
  • 28.2k
65 votes
9 answers

Why didn't Chewbacca get a medal after the battle of Yavin?

At the end of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, there is a medal ceremony where Princess Leia awards Luke and Han each a medal for their heroism. Why didn't Chewbacca receive one? Note: While ...
DavRob60's user avatar
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65 votes
7 answers

Why did Obi-Wan use his lightsaber in the Mos Eisley Cantina?

In the Mos Eisley Cantina, Obi-Wan uses his light saber to protect Luke from a patron attacking him. Jedi (and I would assume, lightsabers) are very uncommon, so I would imagine Kenobi's attack would ...
erdekhayser's user avatar
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64 votes
16 answers

Why did the Rebels have to fly along the Death Star trench?

We all know how to blow up the first Death Star: Fire a couple of proton torpedoes into the thermal exhaust port. It's ray shielded, so only torpedoes will do. To do this, the Rebel pilots had to ...
Tango's user avatar
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63 votes
12 answers

Was the thermal exhaust port on the Death Star really a design flaw?

Why would something so grand contain such a fatal flaw? Was it really a flaw or was the only flaw the fact the "The Chosen One" existed. Who else in the Galaxy would have been able to fire that shot?...
Chris_O's user avatar
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62 votes
8 answers

Why are there no Imperial KX-series Security Droids in the original trilogy?

Rogue One had multiple never-before-seen Imperial Droids, so what happened to them between Rogue One and Star Wars IV? Episode IV starts exactly where Rogue One ends as far as I know, so why suddenly ...
cheesits456's user avatar
60 votes
7 answers

Did Luke really not know about Mos Eisley spaceport in the original “Star Wars” (1977) film?

In the original Star Wars (1977) film, Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi famously tells Luke the following as they look both look down on Mos Eisley from a nearby cliff: “Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 17.2k
60 votes
3 answers

In Star Wars: A New Hope, why was one officer dressed in white?

This character appears in Star Wars: A New Hope aboard the Death Star during an admirals meeting. It appears he is wearing a white (possibly ivory) uniform. All the other officers wear gray, black, ...
Skooba's user avatar
  • 61.3k
59 votes
3 answers

Why did the stormtroopers care about hiding the fact that they killed the Jawas?

In Episode IV, why did the stormtroopers spend time making Bantha tracks and dropping gaffe sticks just to hide their killing of the Jawas? I know that it shows off Obi-Wan's Sherlock Holmes wit but ...
Frank Cedeno's user avatar
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58 votes
3 answers

Was the original Star Wars film originally called "The Star Wars"?

I have heard that the original film was to be "The Star Wars" and somewhere along the line they dropped "The". One person says they have seen a windbreaker or T-shirt in a Star Wars collection that ...
Thomas Mitchell's user avatar
57 votes
9 answers

Why didn't Obi-Wan refer to Darth Vader as Anakin during the Death Star duel?

During their fight on the Death Star in A New Hope, Obi-Wan refers to Darth Vader as "Darth" a couple of times. "Only a master of evil, Darth" "You can't win Darth" In ...
Mwr247's user avatar
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57 votes
4 answers

How long did it take for the Death Star (1) to reload?

In the battle of Yavin, the Empire wants to destroy a moon that is hidden behind the planet Yavin. They circle around the planet because the moon is hidden. Again: They are on a space station that can ...
bitmask's user avatar
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57 votes
3 answers

What was C-3PO talking about when he said, “That’s funny, the damage doesn’t look as bad from out here.”

NOTE: Specifically looking for some in-universe explanation; canonical or “legends” is fine. Lots of discussion of this specific line exists online, but nothing seems to go past idle “armchair ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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55 votes
5 answers

Why does Greedo say "Maclunkey" in the Mos Eisley Cantina?

In the Disney+ edit of Star Wars (1977), yet another change has been made to the "Han Shot First" scene in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Greedo now yells "Maclunkey!" before shooting simultaneously. [Video ...
pk_'s user avatar
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55 votes
9 answers

Is there a canon explanation for how Proton Torpedoes were able to turn 90 degrees at the end of Star Wars: ANH

Based on this question: Why did Luke need a targeting computer in the first place? Proton Torpedoes launched from Luke's X-Wing were able to change direction 'on a dime' 90 degrees to get into Death ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
55 votes
1 answer

Why did Greedo shoot first?

Was there ever an explanation given by George Lucas or the studios for changing the cantina scene to Greedo firing before Han did?
Nu'Daq's user avatar
  • 27k
55 votes
2 answers

Why were the Imperials rude to Vader in the beginning of A New Hope?

It was my understanding that Vader was the second in command of the Emperor in the Empire. However in the beginning of the movie one of the generals taunts Vader that his abilities in the Force have ...
user13267's user avatar
  • 23.5k
54 votes
6 answers

How does Princess Leia know Obi-Wan Kenobi is "Ben" Kenobi?

When Luke rescues Leia from her cell on the Death Star: Leia: Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper? Luke: Huh? Oh, the uniform. I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you. Leia: You're who? ...
Quidsane's user avatar
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52 votes
8 answers

Why didn't the Empire target Yavin Prime?

If Yavin Prime was fired upon, the scattered debris would have destroyed Yavin 4 as well. Why did they wait to make a direct shot?
Zsmaster's user avatar
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50 votes
5 answers

Why didn't Luke use his lightsaber during his mission on the first Death Star?

This weapon is your life Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, C3PO, and R2-D2 arrive at the Death Star I. Their mission was originally to go to Alderaan - unfortunately that didn't ...
The Witch King of Angmar's user avatar
50 votes
3 answers

What do Luke and Han shoot in the detention block?

In the original Star Wars, when rescuing Leia, our heroes shoot the guards, then spend a few seconds shooting some equipment. What are these objects and why are they shooting them? This one looks ...
Bindelstif's user avatar
50 votes
2 answers

What made the Tusken Raiders unable / unwilling to shoot down Luke's Landspeeder?

There is one shot in Star Wars: A New Hope where one Tusken Raider, from a high cliff on a rock mesa, aims at Luke's speeder that zips through a canyon below; then, a second Tusken Raider touches the ...
Bingo's user avatar
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49 votes
2 answers

Why was Vader surprised that Obi-Wan's body disappeared?

OK, I understand that Obi-Wan turned into a force ghost when Vader struck him down, but why was Vader surprised by the lack of a body? It's not the transition into a force ghost but Vader's reaction ...
Hak316 's user avatar
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49 votes
2 answers

What is Darth Vader holding on the cover of the original Star Wars novelization?

On the cover of some versions of Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader is holding something in his hand. It seems to be comprised of some strings with multicolored objects ...
Rogue Jedi's user avatar
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48 votes
7 answers

Why didn't the Imperials block the exhaust port on the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin?

The rebel plan is to fire torpedoes into the Death Star's exhaust port, causing a chain reaction that will destroy the Death Star. One of the Imperial officers tells Tarkin: OFFICER: We've analyzed ...
Michael Washburn's user avatar
48 votes
6 answers

Why did Obi-Wan have to sneak around the Death Star?

These aren't the droids you're looking for, you don't need to see his identification. Not just in the books, but in the movie, Obi-Wan has the power to persuade minds, so why not just use it and run ...
King of NES's user avatar
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7 answers

How did the Rebels find the design flaw to the first Death Star?

So I just read the answers to this question, where most of the authors agree complete fault analysis for a ridiculously complex project like the Death Star is close to impossible, given technical ...
styps's user avatar
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47 votes
7 answers

Why doesn't C3PO recognize Leia in R2's recorded message?

At the start of A New Hope, when the corvette is being attacked, C3PO says something to the effect of: There'll be no escape for the princess this time. But when Luke stumbles onto Leia's message ...
NorbyTheGeek's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

Why did the Lars family need an astromech droid?

It was very clear why Owen decided to buy C-3PO: OWEN: What I really need is a droid who understands the binary language of moisture vaporators. But they appeared to be really interested in ...
LcSalazar's user avatar
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46 votes
7 answers

Did Darth Vader know that this character was his daughter from the start?

When Darth Vader and Princess Leia meet on board the Tantive IV in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope for the first time, does Darth Vader know she's his daughter?
Curtis's user avatar
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45 votes
7 answers

Was "Death Star" an officially designated name?

In A New Hope, the Death Star is only referred to as such (in dialogue) on four separate occasions; three of which are the intercom at the rebel base on Yavin 4, so I'm not sure they count as truly ...
Xophmeister's user avatar
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2 answers

In episode IV, did the inhabitants of Alderaan realize what was about to happen?

As can be seen in the following clip from Episode IV, it took no more than a few (on-screen) minutes for the Death Star to enter the system, fire and finally However,...
Hans Olo's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Can Greedo regenerate?

Is it possible that George Lucas's original intent when creating Star Wars (Ep. IV A New Hope) was that Greedo was of a race that can regenerate fairly quickly?  Is it possible that Han-shot-first ...
Slipp D. Thompson's user avatar
45 votes
2 answers

Why was Luke "Red Five"?

In Star Wars: A New Hope, at beginning of the attack on the Death Star, we see the pilots of Red Squadron check in. Luke reports in as "Red Five", however we also ...
Skooba's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Was prejudice against droids common in the “Star Wars” universe? Or was it just the bartender at the Cantina?

When Wuher—the bartender at the Cantina at Mos Eisley spaceport in the first Star Wars—says: “We don’t serve their kind here.” In reference to C-3PO and R2-D2 entering the bar, it’s certainly a ...
tom christy's user avatar
45 votes
1 answer

What Happened to TK-421?

TK-421 was the call number of the Stormtrooper that was sent on the Millenium Falcon to investigate it once it was captured in the Death Star 1's tractor beam following their jump to the Alderaan ...
Eleven-Eleven's user avatar
44 votes
2 answers

How does the Death Star gravity work?

As we all know the Death Star is spherical. I don't know if it generates gravity on its own or has a gravity generator, but that's not important. I think we have basically two scenarios: Gravity ...
Zikato's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

Is it important for the plot that Leia is Luke's sister?

As everybody knows, Luke and Leia are Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's children. The fact that Luke is his son is important plotwise: Being Anakin's son, the Force is strong in Luke, making him a ...
Taladris's user avatar
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43 votes
5 answers

In A New Hope, why does Vader think they must be trying to return the stolen plans?

I've been watching Star Wars for years, and I just caught these lines: INT. DEATH STAR - CONFERENCE ROOM Tarkin pushes a button and responds to the intercom buzz. TARKIN Yes. VOICE (over intercom) We'...
nexus_2006's user avatar

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