Questions tagged [aliens-1986]

For questions about "Aliens", a 1986 film directed by James Cameron, immediate sequel to the science fiction classic, "Alien" by Ridley Scott. Use in conjunction with the [alien-franchise] tag.

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Why doesn't it matter if it's Arcturian?

In Aliens there is a dialogue between the marines while at 'chow time' when Frost gets called out for sleeping with a male Acturian and defends it by saying "it doesn't matter when it's Arcturian, ...
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In "Aliens", is there anything special about the date 6-12-79?

Within the "Alien" universe, does anyone know if there is any significance for the date 6-12-79 (USA format) in James Cameron's "Aliens"? Ripley quotes it as the date Burke informs the colony on LV426 ...
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