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Questions tagged [alita-battle-angel]

For questions about Alita: Battle Angel, a 2019 action film based on Yukito Kishiro's manga series Gunnm of the same name.

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What brand is this decanter from Alita: Battle Angel?

Vector pours a whiskey for Hugo at the 117 minute mark. Does anyone know the brand of the decanter and glasses? I would like to buy but can't find details.
DEBRA's user avatar
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Why did Dr. Chiren ask Dr. Ido that question?

In Alita: Battle Angel (2019), while Dr. Ido is carrying the fragile Alita, Dr. Chiren asks: Dr. Chiren: You think you can replace us that easily? Bring her back as many times as you like. Dr. Ido ...
William Rock's user avatar
3 votes
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Why did Grewishka mention "fate" here?

In Alita Battle Angel (2019), Grewishka wounds Alita, who is about to kill Vector, and says: Grewishka: I knew you wouldn't wait for your fate to find you, little flea. Why did Grewiskha ...
William Rock's user avatar
2 votes
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What is meant by "Anything that challenges Zalem"?

In Alita Battle Angel (2019), Hugo shows Zapan to Alita: Hugo: He's a bounty hunter. Named Zapan. Scanning for his mark. I wouldn't wanna be that guy. ALITA: Look at that sword. Hugo: ...
William Rock's user avatar
5 votes
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In Alita: Battle Angel do cyborgs have stomachs?

Probably my favorite live action movie based on a manga, Alita: Battle Angel depicts a deep and detailed post apocalyptic world. In some occasions we see Alita eating actual food and seemingly enjoy ...
PracticalEffects's user avatar
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How does the "Alita: Battle Angel" manga end?

I never read the manga but I have just watched the movie and now I'm curious about the next part of story. How does it continue? And, how does the first two arcs (Alita battle angel and last order) ...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
6 votes
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What really happened to civilization in Alita: Battle Angel?

In the movie we are told that We are also told that But Alita eventually remembers that So I’m confused. What caused all the destruction? Or in other words
Ernest Friedman-Hill's user avatar