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Questions tagged [andy-weir]

American author, born 1972, whose first novel "The Martian" was filmed in 2015.

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Project Hail Mary - differences in audiobook

The Audible listing for 'Project Hail Mary' By Andy Weir states: PLEASE NOTE: To accommodate this audio edition, some changes to the original text have been made with the approval of author Andy Weir....
Pat Dobson's user avatar
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When does the novel "Artemis" take place?

I've just finished reading Artemis by Andy Weir. The story narrated in the novel takes place into our Moon, in the fictional and eponymous city of Artemis. I don't recall having read a specific year ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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Andy Weir's The Martian: getting more calories from chemical reactions? [closed]

For those who haven't read Andy Weir's book, the main character - Mark Watney - is stranded on Mars and has to find a way to get enough calories to survive until rescued. He has access to proteins, ...
Vorbis's user avatar
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Dates For Events Not Mentioned in the Martian book/movie

I know the original dates etc for the Ares III mission because of the movie promo stuff but when their plans got messed up because of Watney being left behind does anyone know the dates (even rough ...
Laughing.Thalia's user avatar
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How is heat of the city of Artemis disposed?

In the novel Artemis by Andy Weir it is told that the heat generated by harvester's engine/battery cannot dissolve into the air and rise to the sky because there is no atmosphere. Therefore the heat ...
jumbo's user avatar
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In The Martian, how were the crew in the Hermes shielded from radiation?

I have not read the book of The Martian, but there was one glaring omission in the movie that struck me. How were the crew in the Hermes protected from radiation? In space, especially ...
Jeremy French's user avatar
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Why would it take Johanssen 17 months to return?

In "The Martian", when Johanssen speaks to her father about possibly having to eat the crew if the probe fails, why does she say it would take 17 months to return alone? If the probe failed, wouldn't ...
John smith's user avatar
20 votes
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What's going on with the ending of The Martian?

My library copy of The Martian by Andy Weir finishes with Mark's rescue by the rest of the Ares 3 crew. The last line is: This is the happiest day of my life. However, the LibraryThing page for ...
Micah's user avatar
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