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What is the legal status of the Avengers before Civil War and after Winter Soldier?

After the incident in Winter Soldier, S.H.I.E.L.D is no longer in charge of the group of Avengers. Before the incident of Sokovia Accords, the Avengers seems to be running independently from the ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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What year is it in Spider-Man: Homecoming? [duplicate]

"Avengers" took place in 2012. The start of "Spider-Man: Homecoming" was right after the Battle of New York. In "Civil War", in 2016, it's been 8 years since Iron Man was ...
user35971's user avatar
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What happened to those indirectly killed by the Snap? [duplicate]

Based on the images that are shown right after the Snap, there seems to be a lot of deaths that are side effects of the snap. Everyone who was on a plane when the pilot went away, people in cars, and ...
Jorge Córdoba's user avatar