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Questions tagged [avengers-infinity-war]

For questions about "Avengers: Infinity War", the third ensemble instalment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Always use in conjunction with the [marvel] and [marvel-cinematic-universe] tags and any relevant character tags (e.g. [iron-man])

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Is there any reason why only the Time Stone couldn’t be physically touched?

In MCU, Thanos has been shown physically holding the mind, soul, power and space stones. e.g. But, in the case of the Time Stone, it’s different. Why is the Time Stone floating between fingers? Why ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Why did the Black Order leave Heimdall alive?

At the start of Infinity War, Thanos and his army have attacked the Statesman. Half of the Asgardians were spared, and those remaining with Thor are to be killed. In this scene, Loki, Thor, and ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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What did non-Earth societies know about the cause of and motivation for the Snap?

On Earth, where the Snap happened, who did it and why was apparently widely known, presumably because the remaining Avengers explained (evidence - the graffiti in the Hawkeye series saying "...
Andrew's user avatar
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How did Bifrost breach the force field? [duplicate]

In Avengers: Infinity War, we see that the Alien spaceships trying to enter Wakanda were met with a force field, which completely destroyed the ship. How then was the Bifrost able to breach the force ...
shanu's user avatar
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-9 votes
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How does Thanos cause the Blip if he is already Snapped?

So, Avengers: Infinity War is him getting the Infinity Stones, causing the Blip, and then destroying said stones. Avengers: Endgame is the Avengers undoing the Blip, and then Snapping Thanos (and his ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
2 votes
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What is this place? [duplicate]

After Thanos acquired the stones, completed the gauntlet and snapped his fingers he went to 'some place' where he met Gamora who asked if he had achieved what he wanted. Similarly, in Avengers: ...
shanu's user avatar
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22 votes
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Why didn't the folks at Marvel Studios include the character Death in the Infinity Saga?

The Infinity Saga in the MCU has ended but there has not been any sign of Death, and if you've read the comics then you know Death played a integral part in the Infinity Saga. So is there any ...
shanu's user avatar
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6 votes
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Are any of the 14M alternate futures Dr. Strange saw in IW, distinct universes part of the Multiverse, or potential branches of the 616 universe?

In Avengers: Infinity War, Dr. Strange at some point used the Time Stone, to go forward in time and see all potential future outcomes of the conflict with Thanos. I went forward in time... to view ...
Lefteris008's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does Dr. Strange know about Kang the Conqueror?

In the movie Avengers: Infinity War, Dr. Strange saw 14,000,605 futures; in Loki, Kang and the TVA coordinate just one Sacred Timeline. Then were the other 14,000,604 futures terminated by the TVA? ...
Time Paradox's user avatar
8 votes
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Was Doctor Strange bluffing in Avengers: Infinity War?

In Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Ebony Maw, a Child of Thanos and member of the Black Order, has captured Doctor Stephen Strange and is taking him to Titan. Maw attempts to take the Time Stone from ...
Peter Nielsen's user avatar
10 votes
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Second mould when Stormbreaker is cast, what's in it?

From the movie Infinity War, this shot clearly shows two moulds being filled during the casting of Stormbreaker: After Eitri thumps the mould three times, both halves are seen amid the pieces of one ...
Jiminy Cricket.'s user avatar
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Did The Decimation avoid previously halved populations? [duplicate]

Prior to and during the events of Avengers: Infinity War, the Mad Titan Thanos massacres half of many different populations - including Morag, Xandar, and Asgard. However, when Thanos obtained all six ...
Peter Nielsen's user avatar
9 votes
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Why was Ultron able to kill this character so easily?

In What if…? Episode 8, we see an alternate universe where the Avengers failed to steal the cradle from Ultron and, instead of Vision being born, Ultron was successfully able to upload his ...
Raphael's user avatar
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How did Loki make the Tesseract invisible and then visible again?

In the first scenes of Avengers: Infinity War, Loki showed the Tesseract to Thanos. He got his hand up and the cube became visible gradually. In the entire MCU, we always see Loki make things ...
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17 votes
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Why did Loki attempt this at the beginning of Infinity War?

In the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War, as we all know, Thanos and the Children attack and kill half of the surviving Asgardians. In search for the Space Stone, Thanos tortures Thor and then ...
LongLiveTheJedi's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does Thanos end up inside the Soul Stone?

In Avengers: Infinity War, after Thanos apparently escapes Thor's Stormbreaker axe by snapping his finger, why does he end up inside the Soul Stone? What exactly does the Soul Stone moment mean? Is it ...
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6 votes
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Why did clothes dust away in Thanos's snap?

During Thanos's snap, which was supposed to wipe away half the population, also all clothes were dusted away, including Bucky's arm, even though the gun he was holding at the time didn't dust away. ...
MBEllis's user avatar
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Why did Thanos go to Titan?

During Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos stops at his home planet Titan, before going to Wakanda. Why did he need to go there? Why not go to Wakanda, where the fight was happening?
MBEllis's user avatar
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Could Thanos have created more resources rather than kill half of the population? MCU [duplicate]

How powerful are the Infinity Stones when they are all combined in the Infinity Gauntlet? Thanos states that he wants to kill half of the population in order to ensure that there are enough resources ...
rzaratx's user avatar
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What happens to the original timeline Thanos's ship?

During the events of Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos takes Gamora from his ship to Vormir to get the Soul Stone, then heads directly to Titan, and afterwards to Earth to retrieve the Mind Stone. After ...
Derek's user avatar
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How does the shield around Wakanda work?

How come the first spaceship was completely blocked by the shield around Wakanda while some of the alien creatures passed through in Avengers: Infinity War?
Skywalker's user avatar
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Could have what happened to Cull Obsidian happened to Thanos? [duplicate]

In Infinity War Cull Obsidian loses his arm when a worm hole closes up, So could Thanos have lost his arm like this too WHEN he had all the stones on the Gauntlet?
KyloRen's user avatar
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Were other dimensions affected by Thanos' Snap?

In Doctor Strange, we are made aware of the different universes and especially the one one in which Dormammu resides, which is the Dark Dimension. Were beings in other dimensions also affected by the ...
Arjun's user avatar
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What happened to those indirectly killed by the Snap? [duplicate]

Based on the images that are shown right after the Snap, there seems to be a lot of deaths that are side effects of the snap. Everyone who was on a plane when the pilot went away, people in cars, and ...
Jorge Córdoba's user avatar
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What material Thor's clothes are made of? [duplicate]

When Thor opened the Iris of Nidavellir's forge, he got 3rd degree burns. The heat he was exposed to was able to melt Uru. And, yet, his clothes survived. How? Thor definitely doesn't have aura kind ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
22 votes
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Why did the Tesseract teleport Red Skull to Vormir, and why was he forced to be the guardian of the Soul Stone?

In Captain America: The First Avenger, the Red Skull gets teleported to Vormir to be the guardian after he holds the Tesseract. Why did it teleport him there? Why does he have to be the guardian? Can'...
MBEllis's user avatar
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How did Thanos know the Tesseract would be with Loki on the Asgardian ship?

I'm re-watching Avengers: Infinity War and I found it a bit odd that Thanos of all places looked for the Space Stone on the Asgardian ship. He was obviously told it was there, but who told him? Even ...
MBEllis's user avatar
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Why does the Red Skull say Gamora's wrong father?

When Gamora and Thanos arrive at Vormir, the Red Skull calls each one by his and their father’s/mother’s name. However, he says Gamora's father is Thanos, which we know isn't true. (Her family was ...
MBEllis's user avatar
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Why didn't Vision defend himself against Thanos?

In Avengers: Infinity War when Thanos reversed time and brought Vision back to life, he rips the stone out without any resistance. This seems quite odd to me noting that each time Corvus Glaive ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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What language does Cull Obsidian speak?

In Avengers: Infinity War Cull Obsidian responds verbally to his mates but it seems hard to comprehend. At least for me I have no clue as to what he says. What were his responses or what language does ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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Why didn't the Black Order attack Thor in the Battle of Wakanda?

In the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War we see the Black Order overcome Thor from a most likely earlier battle. But when he returns they don't even seem to attack him at all even though he runs ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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Who was Thor referring to when he said "or a genius"?

During the conversation between Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy Thor began explaining his perspective of Thanos' quest for the Infinity Stones. He then told them that he (Thanos) must be going ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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Why couldn't Doctor Strange stop Thanos on Titan? [duplicate]

After re-watching the Tony vs Thanos scene again, a thought came to mind and made me wonder. At no point did Doctor Strange ever pause time and simply deal with Thanos and proceed further. This would ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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What would have happened if Thor went for the head? [closed]

Doctor Strange said that he saw 14,000,605 outcomes. It is safe to assume that he saw Thor going for the head. What would be the alternative outcome if he did aim Stormbreaker at Thanos' head?
Ericallday's user avatar
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Could Doctor Strange bring this character back to life using the Time Stone?

I would like to know if it's possible that Doctor Strange could bring the decapitated Thanos on the planet Titan 2 back to life by reversing time with the Time Stone. Consider that in the movie ...
user avatar
4 votes
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How does Thanos know how to use the Infinity Stones he only just acquired?

This a question about how he knows how to use each of them and one in particular, the Time Stone. I say the Time Stone, because this is the only Stone we are really given any information on how hard ...
KyloRen's user avatar
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What happened to the Collector in Infinity War?

In Avengers: Infinity War we see Thanos using the Reality Stone to manipulate the scene in the Collector's establishment on Knowhere. While Gamora's initial impression was that The Collector was held ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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Why wasn't Loki injured in the opening scene of Infinity War?

During the opening scene of Avengers: Infinity War we see Loki completely uninjured as if he wasn't present on the ship of which we know that he was. Why wasn't he injured like Heimdall, Thor, and the ...
Ericallday's user avatar
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How could Thanos survive this attack?

At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, Thor delivered a mortal chest wound to Thanos with Stormbreaker. Thanos survived long enough to 'make the Snap', ending half of all life in the universe before he ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Are the Infinity Gauntlets from Avengers: Age of Ultron and Avengers: Infinity War the same?

Following the answer to the question: Has Marvel commented on the extra Infinity Gauntlet?, Feige confirmed that: "There are two different gloves. That was not Odin’s vault that you see at the end."...
Shreedhar's user avatar
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How could Corvus Glaive so easily defeat Vision?

Vision is a super-advanced AI partially made of Vibranium and is powered by an Infinity Stone (Mind Stone). The Mind Stone was originally portrayed as a containment vessel and a power source for the ...
Morgan's user avatar
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25 votes
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Why didn't Thor use the All powerful spear instead of Stormbreaker?

We know that Thor went all the way up to Nidavellir to get the Stormbreaker. But why on the earth did he not use Odin's spear? I mean, he could've scourged it from the debris of his spaceship and used ...
kesarling's user avatar
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How uniform were the effects of the Snap?

I know basically nothing about the MCU except what I've gleaned from looking around here. But this answer started me thinking. As I understand it, the Snap "vanished" 50% of all people (rather than, ...
Matt Gutting's user avatar
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If Stormbreaker is a ‘King’s Weapon’ why didn’t Odin have it?

I am wondering why Odin didn’t have Stormbreaker since it is a ‘King’s Weapon’, or was the magical staff/spear that he carried around in the Thor movies more powerful than Stormbreaker?
user avatar
13 votes
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What happened to those killed by Thanos before the Snap?

In Avengers: Endgame, after recovering the 6 Stones, Hulk snaps his fingers and brings back all the lost characters but he can’t bring back Black Widow or Gamora as the sacrifices for the Soul Stone ...
Jorge Córdoba's user avatar
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Is there a reason why this happened in Endgame? [duplicate]

In Avengers: Infinity War, when Gamora is explaining what Thanos intends to do with the Infinity Stones, Gamora: The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal: To bring balance to the ...
Shreedhar's user avatar
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What happened to people in unsafe areas during the Blip?

We've seen in Spider-Man: Far From Home that But what happened to the people who were on a plane? Do they appear in the sky as the plane is not there anymore? Or do they appear in the plane where ...
TinyDoowy's user avatar
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12 votes
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Why is the Blip so brutal but the Snap is soft?

We've seen in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame two Snaps to be performed, the first by Thanos, the second by Each of them were really soft, happening with a delay by becoming dust. But in ...
TinyDoowy's user avatar
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Is there an In-Universe reason why Thor and the Asgardians think Rocket is a rabbit?

Thor and the rest of the Asgardians (or at least the guards in Endgame) are always referring to Rocket as a rabbit in both Infinity War and Endgame. Out of universe, the explanation would be that its ...
Levi C. Olson's user avatar
-4 votes
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Where did the dust go after the snap?

After Thanos snaps his fingers, a considerable number of people turn into dust. Did the Handy Vac and funeral urn industries experience their greatest year ever, or did the dust literally evaporate ...
Valorum's user avatar
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