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Questions tagged [chamber-of-secrets]

For questions about the Chamber of Secrets, a location guarded by a Basilisk that appears in the Harry Potter series. Always use in conjunction with the [harry-potter] tag.

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10 votes
1 answer

Who put the snake on the tap of the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?

Hogwarts was supposed to have been built around a thousand years ago, but indoor plumbing dates back to only the mid 1800's. In this case, who put the snake on the tap in Myrtle's bathroom in The ...
Lins's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How did Salazar Slytherin build the Chamber of Secrets without the other founders knowing?

Hogwarts was founded and built about 1,000 years ago by Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Slytherin additionally built the Chamber of Secrets beneath the ...
1dareu2mov3's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Could a ghost Parselmouth open the Chamber of Secrets?

Suppose that, as with some of the other founders, a descendent of Slytherin came back to Hogwarts as a ghost. Could they open the Chamber of Secrets?
J. Mini's user avatar
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3 votes
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How could Salazar have expected his plan for the Chamber of Secrets to work?

As I understand it, there's only two possible interpretations of Salazar's plan for the Chamber of Secrets. Either: His heir releases the monster and has it kill the unworthy in secret. His heir ...
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2 answers

Why did Salazar Slytherin arm the Chamber of Secrets with a Basilisk?

Why did Salazar Slytherin arm the Chamber of Secrets with a Basilisk? If the main reason was, as the legend says, to "let his heir purge those who were unworthy to study magic" (i.e., kill Muggles) it ...
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