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Questions tagged [chronology]

Use this tag when asking about the chronological order of specific events in a science fiction or fantasy story. If asking for the chronological ordering of entire works in a series, use the [chronological-order] tag instead.

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6 votes
1 answer

Where does the original Droids animated series fit into the pre-Disney canon/chronology?

Before Disney took over the Star Wars franchise, where was the Droids animated series placed in the chronology, is there a canonical date for it, and which events/media (book/film/games, etc.) came ...
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3 votes
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How could Borel know of Jurt? (The Chronicles of Amber/Knight of Shadows)

In Knight of Shadows we see that Borel (Logrus ghost) knows about Jurt (when Merlin and Jurt walk to the broken pattern): ...There were a number of them—roses of many sorts. I stopped and picked one ...
Yaroslav  Kornachevskyi's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Timeline of The Witcher tv series

I have just finished watching The Witcher on Netflix and I am completely lost as to the timeline of events depicted in the series. It is obvious to me that Ciri's escape is happening in the present, ...
Diego Sánchez's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Where did Mrs. Weasley make sandwiches in book three

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione were staying in the Leaky Cauldron the day before they boarded Hogwarts Express (1st September). Still in the station, ...
Ana's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Timeline of the Harry Potter movies

Using only information found in the 10 Harry Potter movies, (and not using stuff from the books), what timeline of events can we make for the Harry Potter Universe? To keep this from getting to broad,...
ibid's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How Could Merlin Possibly Study in Slytherin House Centuries Before it Was Founded? [duplicate]

How Could Merlin Possibly study in Slytherin House Centuries Before it Was Founded? This is not a duplicate of questions about Merlin's biography in Harry Potter like In Harry Potter, Who is Merlin?:...
M. A. Golding's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How much time passed between Clone Wars S3E04, S1E22 and S3E10?

According to Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order, S1E22 is one episode after S3E04 and S3E10 is one episode after S1E22. However we see some drastic changes in the appearances of ...
Worse_Username's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

The chronology and genealogy of Erich Zann

What can we say about the chronology and genealogy of Erich Zann? Here are the facts I have gathered as being potentially relevant: The Music of Erich Zann [Music] was written in 1921 by Lovecraft ...
adcoon's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is there a discrepancy in Turn A Gundam timeline?

I have read that Tomino stated that Turn A Gundam is supposed to be set 500 years before Gundam Reconguista in G (which itself was stated to take place around 1000 years after UC). Here's what I don'...
Nook's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

When did Geralt ride with the Wild Hunt?

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, during the main quest Bald Mountain, Geralt remarks that he remembers one of the enemy generals from his time in the Hunt. When was Geralt in the Wild Hunt?
darthspongebob's user avatar
1 vote
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When did Julie's parents die?

In the film version of Masters of the Universe, Julie is a teenage orphan, but when did her parents die? At the end of the film Julie and Kevin are sent back in time and prevent the accident, and it ...
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8 votes
4 answers

Why is time in the galaxy far far away described by reference to Yavin rather than Endor?

In the Star Wars universe, dates are usually given as "[number of years] BBY" or "[number of years] ABY" - that is, X years "Before the Battle of Yavin" or X years "...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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6 votes
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How long was this person dead before being left?

How long was this person dead before being left? It seems like it was two days before the scene where they all leave. Did I miss anything?
Joshua's user avatar
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10 votes
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Chronologically, when does the Death Star scene of Revenge of the Sith take place?

This is basically all Revenge of the Sith spoilers, so read on at your own peril. The second to last scene of Revenge of the Sith features Darth Vader and the Emperor overseeing the construction of ...
Rogue Jedi's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Post-Return of the Jedi timeline

I'm curious about the sequence and chronology of events between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, specifically: When the Imperial forces were considered to have been defeated When the Empire ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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1 vote
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When is Fear the Walking Dead set? [duplicate]

How much time passes between the first episode of Fear the Walking Dead and Rick waking up in the hospital?
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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3 votes
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Snape's Pensive memory chronology question

Ok in the movie Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part Two, Harry sees a series of memories from Snape, in which you see Snape casting the Patronus for Harry to follow and thus Harry finds the ...
michael's user avatar
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3 answers

In between which episodes of Arrow did this episode of Flash happen?

The Flash S1E18, All-Star Team Up has Ray and Felicity from Arrow show up in Central City. However, there were some oddities in their relationship that don't jive with their current state over in ...
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22 votes
11 answers

Why was the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A in service for so short a period?

Reading the Memory Alpha entry for NCC-1701-A, it is indicated that the ship was only in service from 2286 to 2293 - all of 7 or 8 years depending on exact dates - at which point it was decommissioned....
eidylon's user avatar
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When is Fahrenheit 451 set?

Is there an allocated time period in Ray Bradbury's novel? I'm not too sure if there is a timeline that led up to the events in the book, so the time in which it is set is unclear to me.
hyp3r's user avatar
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9 votes
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When did the piggies learn about the Demosthenian Hierarchy of Exclusion

In the beginning of chapter 4 of Speaker for the Dead, in Pipo's notes it says this : As for what they call us, they do use human, of course, but they have also taken to using the new Demosthenian ...
ike's user avatar
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How old was Ender objectively at the start of Speaker for the Dead

In Chapter 2 of Speaker, it says this After all, the Bugger Wars were more than three thousand years ago; it was now the year 1948 SC, counting from the year the Starways Code was established, and ...
ike's user avatar
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Which of these Enderverse characters died first?

In Shadow of the Giant Peter sends an email to Valentine noting Graff's and Rackham's deaths: However, in Ender in Exile Graff sends Ender an email including this: So who really outlived whom here? ...
ike's user avatar
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4 votes
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What really happened the night that Fry got frozen? (In terms of time travel)

I'm just wondering, with Nibbler being there and Fry also under the desk; and then the other Fry in the cryo-tube and all the Benders: Can someone please create a timeline of what happened that night ...
FattMattSplatt's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How can Namor be the first mutant if there are much older ones?

I saw several mentions on SFF that Namor was the first mutant. Yet, from ComicVine Led by Azazel, the Neyaphem are a group of mutants with demonic appearances. Existing since biblical times, the ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar