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Questions tagged [composition]

This tag can be used for questions that ask about the composition, or make-up, of an object, individual, or theme, be it material, or specifically chemical. This tag applies to both speculative and real-life compositions.

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35 votes
9 answers

What's the strongest material in the Marvel Universe?

Once I read that the strongest thing in the Marvel Universe is the Silver Surfer's skin, followed by the Mjolnir and Adamantium. Is this right? And, if so, what makes them so special?
Thecafremo's user avatar
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10 answers

What real-world substance most closely corresponds to mithril? [closed]

While reading descriptions of mithril in The Lord of the Rings, it struck me that its properties might well correspond to a real material, possibly as an alloy with other metals. Is there such a real-...
jprete's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

What material was the One Ring made of?

Is there any detail in Tolkien's work indicating what the One Ring was made of? Mithril? Platinum? Gold? Some other magical material?
Jana's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

What is Thor's armor made of, and where does it originate from?

I'm only familiar with the movies, don't know any comics canon, but either will be appreciated in an answer. In Thor, after he was banished by Odin to earth and stripped of his powers, he eventually ...
pleinolijf's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Cyclops Visor Material and beam color

This question has several parts, so it may need to be split into a few questions. I know that Cyclops visor aperture is made of a mixture of powdered ruby-quartz. Has he ever tried using a different ...
Monty129's user avatar
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