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Questions tagged [cyclops]

For questions about "Cyclops", a popular mutant character from Marvel's X-Men. Cyclops' mutant ability is to emit beams of concussive energy, known as "Optic blasts," from his eyes. Always use in conjunction with the [marvel] tag and use with other tags where appropriate, for example, [x-men-cinematic-universe-.

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6 votes
1 answer

When did Cyclops die (X-men 2021)

In X-Men (2021) #6 it is mentioned that Cyclops can not go out in public due to recently being seen dying in public. But when I read X-Men #5 he seemed alive and well. Is this referencing a death ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How does Cyclops sleep?

Usually when someone wakes up, they open their eyes. Not a good thing if you're Scott Summers. So does he wear something to prevent his optic rays bursting out of his eyeballs when he wakes up? I ...
user35594's user avatar
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How can Scott Summers see? [duplicate]

Scott Summers (aka Cyclops) has super powerful energy beams constantly firing from his eyes. The only way he can prevent the beams from destroying everything is by closing his eyes or by wearing ...
Magikarp Master's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How can Cyclops' optic blasts burn or melt objects?

I read recently that Cyclops' optic blasts don't produce heat. I found this very surprising. I watched X-Men: The Animated Series growing up, and re-watched it not that long ago as an adult. I ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Cyclops, is it his gaze direction or the direction of his face? (X-men)

Does Cyclops' eye beam follow his gaze or the direction his face is pointing? E.g. if Cyclops crossed his eyes, would two beams go in different directions (or, cooler, would the beam disperse)? If he ...
Christopher's user avatar
28 votes
6 answers

Has Cyclops of the X-Men ever developed the power to control his eyes?

Pretty straightforward question. We see Cyclops with his trademark visor/glasses on 24/7 to control his power. So is there ever a point in any universe where Cyclops develops control of his power and ...
Ryan's user avatar
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10 votes
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What do we know about Cyclops' eye dimension?

So while reading through some old questions and answers I came across this answer: In it, it is said that Cyclops doesn't feel recoil from his eye beams ...
kjw's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Can Cyclops' eye-blasts hurt him?

If he accidentally looked at himself without his visor would it hurt him or would he be immune?
ZInj's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Havoc and Cyclops current fox franchise of X-Men

At first I was only slightly aware that Cyclops had a brother. I had watched a bunch of the cartoons growing up, read a few of the comics, and Cyclops was one of my favorite characters. I watched all ...
user26432's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

How did Cyclops originally control his optic blasts?

I have seen the X-Men films, but have not really been a fan of the comic books. I have always wondered if Cyclops just bandaged his eyes permanently growing up, and how he came to realise that ruby ...
howler's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How does Cyclops' Visor work to hold massive optic blast force? [duplicate]

Due to head injuries, Cyclops can't control his optic blasts at will. So, he wears Visor to prevent unwanted damages of his surrounding. In Civil War: X-Men #4, Ironman measured Cyclops' optic blast ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Cyclops Visor Material and beam color

This question has several parts, so it may need to be split into a few questions. I know that Cyclops visor aperture is made of a mixture of powdered ruby-quartz. Has he ever tried using a different ...
Monty129's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

How can Cyclops miss with his optic blast?

Scott Summers' optic blasts are a discharge of powerful energy beams, they travel at the speed of light in the direction he is looking. How can he miss someone or something if his beam is hitting ...
OghmaOsiris's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How does Cyclops see?

From official Marvel Universe wiki: Due to a head injury, Cyclops is unable to shut off his optic blasts at will and must therefore wear ruby quartz lenses to block the beams. From the same page:...
Doctor Doom's user avatar