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Questions tagged [donald-duck]

For questions set in the Duck universe (Ducktales, Carl Barks Comics) etc.

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8 votes
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A Donald Duck version of The Odyssey

I once read a comic version of The Odyssey in which the main characters were portrayed by characters in the Duck universe. Can you help identify the story? Here is some information: The story was ...
Improve's user avatar
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McDuck Frankenstein Movie

I'm trying to identify a Disney movie that involves Donald Duck or the Scrooge McDuck family of characters. They rent a castle, and end up awakening Frankenstein. There's also a story involving a blob ...
Zephyr's user avatar
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Are the Ducktales stories set in the same universe as the Duckverse stories?

This Wikipedia entry claims: One of the Beagles reads a Duck Tales comic when he is in the bathroom despite the fact that Duck Tales doesn't exist in the Duck Universe. I found that odd, as I always ...
TheAsh's user avatar
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Gyro Gearloose and Artificial Grass

I'm looking for a classic Disney book or comic in which Gyro Gearloose replaces all of Uncle Scrooge's (or perhaps Donald's) annoyances with synthetic substitutes — including replacing the grass of ...
Bobb's user avatar
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Have Barks or Rosa ever officially addressed Donald's voice?

I remember when reading Carl Barks's complete collections that he never considered the characters in the Duck Universe to be... actual ducks. Paraphrasing him, he declared readers would never see &...
manoelpqueiroz's user avatar
7 votes
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Why does Donald Duck say this strange line on page three of Don Rosa's "The Dream of a Lifetime", part two (2002)?

On page three, panel four (first panel of second row), in the second part of The Dream of a Lifetime, English original, Donald shouts toward Bombie the Zombie, but addressing Scrooge: HALP! HE'S ...
Beagle Boy's user avatar
9 votes
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Scrooge McDuck space adventure where he fights an alien despot from an energy oriented economy

This comic book was published in Spain between 1976 and 1980 and was probably a work of Disney's Italian studio. Might be a work by Romano Scarpa. There is a planet where energy has replaced money. ...
Ginasius's user avatar
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What Duck comic artists are officially canon?

Carl Barks created the Duckverse. Don Rosa created "The Life and Time of Uncle Scrooge". Generally, all comics by those two artists are considered canon. Apart from those two artists, which other ...
TheAsh's user avatar
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Why were Donna and Daisy Duck merged into the same character?

Whilst doing research for my answer to the question: Has Donald Duck ever had any love interest besides Daisy? I found out about Donna Duck. Donna appears a few times before eventually apparently ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
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48 votes
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Has Donald Duck ever had any love interest besides Daisy?

A common trope in the Duckverse is Daisy double-dating Gladstone Gander and Donald at the same time, never fully committing to either one. During the times when he wasn't with Daisy, has Donald Duck ...
TheAsh's user avatar
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Does Magica De Spell's magic have any known limits?

Does Magica De Spell's magic have any known limits that are consistently used throughout the Duckverse? I recall some comic stating she can't produce money, but I also recall another one where she ...
TheAsh's user avatar
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Donald Duck comic book with giant shark

I seek help identifying a circa 1960 Disney comic book in English, where Donald Duck goes down in a diving bell. A seemingly megaladon-sized shark attacks the bell, and the diving bell falls to the ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar
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Donald Duck almost burns down his house trying to bake something

I'm looking for a comic book on Donald Duck. The general plot is that Donald wants to bake something (I think it had chocolate in it?), it's like a gift for Valentine's or something similar. But, ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
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Is Flintheart Glomgold's backstory ever mentioned in the comics?

In Ducktales S02E03, we find out the backstory of Flintheart Glomgold and his relationship to Scrooge. Is this the first time in the Duckverse that his backstory is mentioned, or is it mentioned in ...
TheAsh's user avatar
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How does Outer Space in the Duckverse differ from our universe?

In the latest Ducktales episode we find out that: I don't know what a cosmic storm and don't think we have that in our universe. The Duckverse also seems to be different than our universe in that ...
TheAsh's user avatar
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37 votes
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Does Mickey Mouse exist in the Ducktales universe (Or even the general Duckverse)?

Does Mickey Mouse exist in the DuckTales universe? (or even the general Duckverse). I don't mean hidden Mickeys or cameos, I mean referenced in a way that acknowledges his existence. Both television ...
TheAsh's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Are there Humans in Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Comic Books?

There are certainly plenty of people in those comics, but a lot of them are anthropomorphic birds and anthropomorphic mammals. I do remember a lot of people who looked similar to humans back when I ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar
35 votes
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Identify a comic where Scrooge McDuck was protected against a beam because he went swimming in his money

I remember reading a Donald Duck magazine or comic once (at least a decade ago, but the comic was already old by then) where Scrooge McDuck had built resistance against some kind of radiation or ray ...
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