Questions tagged [evolution]

The gradual change of a species by adaptation over many generations for purposes ensuring it's survival.

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Time traveler trades with people from alternative dimensions/timelines. Trades ova for high quality dogs, to help humanity in his timeline survive

I read this short story after 2017. It may not have been new but did not seem very many years old. It was in a magazine. I read the magazine online. The protagonist has a trading post that I think ...
Judith Jones's user avatar
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Interstellar pioneers that evolve according to planet

A library book that I read in the 1990s so Could be older, about different single pioneers sent to different planets and they each adapted to the environment of that planet. The main character grew ...
Lucy's user avatar
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Looking for a sci-fi book name with a giant space monster swallowing a ship

I am looking for the name of a sci fi book I have read when I was a kid. Obviously I do not remember the name of the book nor the author's... Here is a short summary of the story, spoiler ahead! The ...
Basile's user avatar
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1980s or 1990s art book about future of human evolution, not Man After Man

I'm trying to identify an art book about possible future evolutions of humanity, all of which were heavily modified or adapted to a specific environment or condition. It is similar in concept to "...
Peter DeGlopper's user avatar
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Author+title of story of planet inhabited by intelligence which makes mouse and man evolve on ship

In my youth, I’ve read countless science fiction and fantasy books. One of these, when I finished it, I felt like a part of my life ended with the end of the book, and surely there must be a sequel… ...
Yves's user avatar
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Short story or Novella circa 1940, 1950

Theme was man and woman (she was chosen specifically for his preferences) operating as guards or mentors as mankind was on the cusp of evolution, but did not recognize the marvels that awaited upon ...
VorpalSword's user avatar