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Questions tagged [fantastic-four]

For questions about The Fantastic Four, a team of superheroes in the Marvel Comics Universe. Only use for questions about the team, not those that simply mention them. Always use in conjunction with the [marvel] tag.

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20 votes
6 answers

Has Thing ever bled?

I'm not sure exactly to what extent his body is composed of rock. In order to be alive I'm assuming he has organs and blood and such. His tongue and eyes look human enough and they require blood flow....
Daft's user avatar
  • 33.7k
16 votes
3 answers

How did Secret Wars fit into regular comics continuity?

I’ve just read Marvel’s Secret Wars series from 1984/5. (Fun!) In it, a bunch of heroes and villains are transported to the far reaches of the universe, and (in a surprising turn of events for a ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What kind of rock is Ben Grimm made of?

Ben Grimm looks as though he is made of clay, but clay would not be terribly effective at clobbering. Is the specific type of mineral (or minerals) that comprise Ben's body ever discussed?
Magikarp Master's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Avengers, Fantastic Four and Guardians of the Galaxy Timeline

Are 'Guardians of the Galaxy', 'Fantastic Four' and 'Avengers' movies set in the same timeline?
LoneChaos's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Does Mr. Fantastic have to wear fantastic clothes?

Reed Richards can safely stretch up to 1500 feet, and I assume (feel free to correct me) that the clothes he was wearing when he was first bombarded with the cosmic rays were altered along with him, ...
phantom42's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How can Invisible Woman see? says Sue Storm has a power to bend all wavelengths of light and this way she becomes invisible. Sue can render herself wholly or partially invisible at will. She can also render other ...
burcu's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Why are X-Men more realistic than Fantastic Four? [closed]

So, this is a question one of my biology teachers asked me back in High School, but I can't find the reasoning I'd need. I think it would be something like this: X-Men : they were born with a ...
MagicMicky's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How much air does Johnny 'burn'?

In the amazing spider-man #682, Spider-man is constantly nagging the Human Torch not to flame on (leading to the amazing line "Flame nearly on!"), so as not to use up the oxygen. Normally when ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Could Reed Richards survive a point blank gunshot to the head?

The image in this answer shows Reed's body stretching under a massive impact. I'm wondering what sort of impact would be too much for him to sustain, that would overload his stretching powers. A gun ...
Daft's user avatar
  • 33.7k