Questions tagged [flowers-for-algernon]

For use in connection with questions about Daniel Keyes' 1959 short story "Flowers for Algernon," of the novel-length version of the same name published in 1966.

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36 votes
1 answer

Does the movie described in Flowers for Algernon actually exist?

In Flowers for Algernon (by D. Keyes) (1966) there is a passage describing a movie that main protagonist was watching: A psychological film about a man and woman apparently in love but actually ...
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10 votes
2 answers

In Flowers for Algernon was Charley actually less intelligent than he was before the procedure?

We note that Algernon, the mouse, died and that seems to indicate that the procedure not only wore off but had some severe after-effects. Charley Gordon did not die but was it suggested that he was ...
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