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Questions tagged [holodeck]

For questions about holodecks, in the "Star Trek" universe, a simulated reality facility located on starships and starbases; objects and people are simulated by a combination of transported matter, replicated matter, tractor beams, and shaped force fields onto which holographic images are projected. Always use in conjunction with the [star-trek] tag and any applicable work tags.

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-4 votes
1 answer

Why couldn't Tuvok be cured by the holodeck?

Near the end of Voyager, Tuvok required fal-tor-voh to heal his mind. This requires which the crew considered unavailable. Why was this considered impossible? Why can the holodeck not solve this?
J. Mini's user avatar
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7 votes
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Holosuite vs holodeck – out of universe

I've seen this question which is looking for an in-universe answer, but I'm wondering about the usage of the word IRL. I've been rewatching DS9, and just saw an episode where O’Brien is talking with ...
miken32's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

In Star Trek TNG Episode 11 "The Big Goodbye", why would the people inside of the holodeck "vanish" if the program aborts?

Is the Holodeck actually so far advanced that it transforms actual matter? I always assumed that the holodeck was basically an advanced projector with a few other matterializations, but not going so ...
Flying Thunder's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What happened to B'Elanna Torres' holographic baby?

In the two-episode Voyager arc The Killing Game, B'Elanna Torres plays the role of Brigette, a French Resistance fighter who was impregnated by a holographic Nazi officer. Once the crew regains their ...
argendoygler's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is holodeck technology used on most planets in the Star Trek Universe?

I would like to know if holodeck technology is a common amenity that is used on most planets in the Star Trek Universe. For example, are there large buildings that house large rooms with holodeck ...
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3 votes
0 answers

How does the Holodeck move people and compress space? [duplicate]

Star Trek TNG, S7E13, from the Memory Alpha Article on the Episode: Rozhenko reveals that he did not beam up the Boraalans without a plan; he plans to find a new class M planet for the Boraalans ...
Shade's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How does the holodeck keep up to date with characters' knowledge?

In "Human Error" (season 7, episode 17) where Seven of Nine spends a lot of time on the Holodeck with Chakotay, he references her past and her development aboard the ship. In particular, Chakotay is ...
NibblyPig's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Did anyone try to find the little box that held Professor Moriarty and his wife after the crash?

It was bad enough that Captain Picard tricked and trapped two sapient beings in a little cube, rather than in any way acknowledge their rights under Federation law, but whatever happened to that cube? ...
Katie Gooden's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Why didn't the Enterprise-E crew just use holodeck machine guns against the Borg? [duplicate]

Picard is pursued by the Borg while they take over the Enterprise-E. He starts a chapter of some crime-drama holo-novel on the holodeck. The crime boss and his henchmen carry tommy guns, which Picard ...
RichS's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why wasn't Dr. Pulaski beamed off the holodeck?

In TNG: Elementary, Dear Data, Dr. Pulaski is held hostage on the holodeck by Moriarty. Why don't they just beam her off the holodeck?
Craig's user avatar
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73 votes
2 answers

Exactly when did Captain Picard perform his trick on Moriarty in "Ship in a Bottle"?

In the episode "Ship in a Bottle", Lt. Barclay reanimates the Professor Moriarty program, who becomes incensed that Capt. Picard had forgotten his promise to bring Moriarty out of the holodeck. ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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2 answers

Can two different programs be run on the same holodeck/holosuite?

For example, could Captain Picard command the computer to use half of Holodeck 2 for his Dixon Hill program, so that Worf can use the other half to fight monsters?
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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How is the holodeck still rendering during the Voyager power drain? [duplicate]

In the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Night" (S05 E01), Voyager suffers a ship-wide total power drain. How is the holodeck still rendering Tom Paris' program, albeit in darkness? He turns on a program-...
ggdx's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

What does Geordi see on the holodeck?

We've seen how he interprets people and things with his VISOR, but if the holodeck is all force-fields and holographic imaging, how does he interact in a similar way to other members? What does the ...
Todd M Crispin's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Who is the most recurring Star Trek character who was always themselves? [closed]

Impersonation, simulation, alternate universes and general xeno- and techno-shenanigans are a mainstay of the Star Trek franchises. It occurred to me that I can't really think of a main character who ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Can a holographic warp core breach destroy a real ship?

Assuming the safety protocols are disabled, is there any evidence that a holographic warp core breach could destroy the actual ship? I can't find a canonical answer to this, so extended media is OK ...
Matt's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Which real historical figures have been recreated on the Holodeck?

I was watching VOY: Scorpion last night. At the beginning of Part I, Captain Janeway spends some time on the Holodeck conversing with Leonardo da Vinci about his inventions and suggesting refinements. ...
JohnP's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Where does the real matter go that you bring in to the Holodeck when the program ends? [duplicate]

Where does the real matter go that you bring in to the Holodeck when the program ends? I was watching Voyager last night and with all of the girls they seem to program in to the Holodeck, and ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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Does the holodeck safety limit change?

Simple question, but does the safely limits in the holodeck change for who's is in it. For example, if Data and Wesley were running one of Worf's combat programs would there be different safety ...
Matt's user avatar
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Was Data in any danger on the holodeck or not?

In "Descent," Data wishes to explore emotions by fighting Borg Drones on the holodeck. With Geordi watching, he asks the computer to increase Borg strength by 30%. The computer refuses, stating that ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How many people could fit inside a holodeck and not destroy the illusion?

A Star Trek holodeck presents an illusion of a location to users who are inside the room. When the party splits up each group sees that the other group has moved away, but in reality they're in a ...
Criggie's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

What happens to replicated food eaten by a hologram?

In Star Trek: The Next Generation, we know that the Holodeck can create replicated food for crew members to eat. We've also seen that holographic characters can exist for a period of time outside the ...
Adrian Wragg's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How could anyone make use of a holographic music chip? [duplicate]

In the opening of The Siege of AR-558 episode: Dr. Bashir (...) retrieves a recording Vic has made for him to give to the Starfleet soldiers on AR-558. How could that be possible? How could Bashir ...
trejder's user avatar
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6 answers

Is there any explanation as to why the Voyager crew don't eat on the holodeck?

I was reading this question: Why can some holodeck matter leave the holodeck while others can't This question implies the holodecks are independent Why are the holodecks on Voyager in use if they ...
Matt's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why not build a space ship of holomatter

According to this question and its accepted answer: Would Star Trek holodecks physically affect you once you exit the Holodeck? it is possible to remove matter from holodeck and it will remain stable, ...
Motte001's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

How could Janeway have used Holodecks as a child when they were new to Picard?

How could Janeway use Holodecks as a child when Picard and the rest of the Enterprise-D crew make it clear in TNG: Encounter at Farpoint that holo-technology is very new? For many of them it's the ...
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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0 answers

Can I be hungry on a Holodeck? [duplicate]

If I eat or drink on a holodeck will I be stuffed? And if so, if I leave the holodeck, will I be hungry again?
JörgPB's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why can’t holodeck doors be opened mechanically or by force from outside?

I remember this is an issue in some other episodes, but at least in the episode The Big Goodbye it definitely happens. Picard and some crew members are in the holodeck in a program. A computer ...
kl78's user avatar
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How do Star Trek holodecks account for the spatial bias between multiple users?

In Star Trek, when people go into a inactive holodeck it looks like a large room, but not really very big. So, how is it that two or more people can enter an active holodeck program and end up in ...
Calmnar's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Do we ever see a 0-G environment on a Holodeck?

I was reading the TNG Bible and found the following excerpt about Holodecks: In the holodecks, almost any kind of recreation, training or exercise can be simulated, especially since these same ...
Often Right's user avatar
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Could a holodeck create smells?

Memory Alpha explains how a holodeck works as follows: A typical holodeck consisted of a room equipped with a hologrid containing omnidirectional holographic diodes, enabling holographic ...
Often Right's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Spatial limitations on the Holodeck? [duplicate]

I noticed today that in the pilot of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Data shows Riker one of the four "walls" of the Holodeck by throwing a rock at it. Thus, it seems logical that the Holodeck would ...
Ghost Koi's user avatar
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How did the snowball fly out of the holodeck? [duplicate]

In the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Episode "Angel One" How did Wesley's snowball fly outside of the holodeck and hit Picard? It should have dematerialized.
JMFB's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Why would Professor Moriarty "cease to exist" if he tried to exit the holodeck via the arch?

In the episode Ship in a Bottle, Professor James Moriarty wishes to leave the holodeck. The whole episode is centered around his complicated gambit to do just that, by giving the illusion to Picard ...
Mr. Bultitude's user avatar
61 votes
13 answers

The Moriarty Sentience Problem - A.K.A. Why isn't the Enterprise computer considered sentient?

In Elementary, Dear Data, Geordi instructs the computer to create an opponent to intellectually best Data. The conceit of the episode is that the computer does just that, and creates a sentient ...
Tritium21's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Can you drown on the Holodeck?

The Holodecks and Holosuites of Star Trek fame have a number of security measures designed to ensure that no part of the simulated environment can harm the user. Assuming there is no malfunction and ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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Do non-Federation ships have holodecks?

Is there any canon information about non-Federation ships having holodecks? I could definitely see Hirogen, Klingon, Kazon, and Jem'Hadar ships having holodecks, but I'm not sure about these or the ...
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28 votes
5 answers

Why are the holodecks on Voyager in use if they have energy issues?

I'm watching the first two seasons of Voyager and various episodes have commentary on having energy limitations -- but we constantly see crew using extremely complicated holodeck simulations. Why ...
MrHen's user avatar
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What's the difference between a Holodeck and a Holosuite?

The Enterprise D had a holodeck for training, entertainment, and plot contrivance, but on DS9, the holo-projecting room was referred to as a 'holosuite'. What is the technical difference between a ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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If a robotic body could be manufactured, could sentient beings be transported from the holodeck?

From what I understand of the holodeck, sentient beings cannot leave it because they are sentient. If a robotic body (like Data's perhaps) could be manufactured and the program downloaded into this ...
Often Right's user avatar
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Why is Tasha Yar's hologram semi-transparent?

In the episode Skin of Evil, at the end, Tasha Yar has a farewell hologram prepared for when she died. I know all of this was set in the Holodeck, but why is Yar's hologram semi-transparent, and ...
Often Right's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

How does holodeck keep people from running into the walls?

I can understand how the holodeck creates virtual environments. But I don't see any mechanism that prevents people from walking into walls. Are the floors moving? Are they in a different dimension ...
Aaron Klap's user avatar
5 votes
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Is The Doctor (EMH Mark I) technologically similar to the holodeck?

The creator of the Emergency Medical Hologram - EMH (beginning with Mark I), Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, was the 'Director of Holographic Imaging and Programming' at Jupiter Station. It can be expected his ...
Solemnity's user avatar
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Have there been any canonical references to the holodeck/holosuites being used for virtual physical 'partnerings' with holodeck-produced constructs?

Carnal release is a valid stress relief; and unless the Federation uses hormonal suppressants, it doesn't take a 'perv angle' to realize that the holodecks may be considered for this. I can also see ...
Solemnity's user avatar
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19 votes
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What happens to matter (e.g. bodily fluids) that are left on the holodeck?

We know that some of the matter generated on a Holodeck can actually leave the Holodeck's confines. For example, you can spill "holodeck" water on someone and they will be wet outside. But what ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
36 votes
4 answers

What happens to the air in the area, when things are transported or replicated?

A fundamental law of physics is, in short, that two things cannot exist in the same space at the same time. This is easily demonstrated by dropping a relatively large mass, such as pasta noodles, ...
Iszi's user avatar
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11 votes
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Were holodeck emitters on USS Enterprise-D able to create holograms outside the physical boundaries of holodeck room?

Were holodeck emitters on USS Enterprise-D able to create/maintain holographic matter (e.g. holograms of beings as opposed to replicated inorganic stuff) outside of the physical boundaries of holodeck ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
13 votes
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Why was Cyrus Redblock able to briefly exist outside of the holodeck doors?

In the TNG episode, "The Big Goodbye," the hologram, Cyrus Redblock, is able to step outside the holodeck doors and exist for a few seconds. Is there an in-canon explanation for how this is ...
Mike B's user avatar
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How are holodecks so accurate, when referencing actual events/places?

After watching quite a lot of star trek recently I've noticed the holodeck needs scant few details to recreate excessively detailed cafes in Paris, and Bourbon Bars in New Orleans. In the former it ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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Does "Encounter at Farpoint" conflict with other canon, relating to holodecks?

In some other questions about holodecks here, and other episodes of Star Trek starting with The Next Generation, I've heard/seen that the holodeck can effectively create an infinite environment that ...
Iszi's user avatar
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