Questions tagged [iron-man]

For questions about Iron Man, a Marvel superhero who relies on technology rather than inherent powers. Always use in conjunction with the [marvel] tag and add the relevant media tag where appropriate such as [marvel-cinematic-universe] and [comics]. For questions about the first film in the MCU see [iron-man-2008].

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why don't people know Iron Man is Tony in the Extremis comic?

According to a bunch of reading guides, Iron Man Extremis occurs during the early days of New Avengers right around House of M. So why is it that in Extremis, no one knows that Iron Man is Tony Stark? ...
Heather Delman's user avatar
1 vote
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How much design work did JARVIS do for the Iron Man suits

In the movies, it’s implied that Tony did all the design work for the various suits, but is that really the case? For things like the suitcase suit, that’s something an AI could solve faster than a ...
CBredlow's user avatar
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What is the maximum weight the Mark 6 Iron Man Suit can carry?

I’m talking about it’s maximum weight lifted. The Mark VI was the version seen in Iron Man 2, Avengers and briefly in Iron Man 3
ClippedWings22's user avatar
-4 votes
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Why hasn't Tony found the Defenders?

Given Tony's resources, why hasn't he found the Defenders? Especially considering the fact that all four reside in New York City (the same city where Spidey lives) and three of the four have done ...
Aman Raizada's user avatar
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