Questions tagged [jack-l-chalker]

For questions relating to Jack Laurence Chalker (1944-2005), an American science fiction author, best known for his Well World novels.

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Does Czill reproduction in Midnight at the Well of Souls make sense?

In Jack Chalker's Midnight at the Well of Souls (and sequels), the structure of the Well World allows him to introduce a large number of alien organisms. One of the most interesting alien races (and ...
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What was the original single book that became Exiles at the Well of Souls and Quest for the Well of Souls like?

When I first read Exiles at the Well of Souls, it seemed to be the worst-edited novel I had ever picked up. And indeed the editing is terrible, but I later learned that there was something of a ...
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When did the name "Well of Souls" become commonly used in SF and fantasy?

The Well of Souls is an underground passage beneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. But it's also a name that crops up repeatedly in fantasy and science fiction. The best known examples of the name ...
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Why were the aliens waiting on the other side of the gate in "Spirits of Flux and Anchor"?

In the Soul Rider series featuring the book Spirits of Flux and Anchor, what exactly were the aliens waiting on the other side of the gate for?
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