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2 answers

Why didn't Captain Picard destroy the Borg ship encountered in the "Q-Who" episode?

In the TNG Season 2 episode "Q Who", Captain Picard frees the Enterprise-D from the Borg tractor beam with three damaging phaser blasts. Clearly the Enterprise inflicted significant damage on the ...
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What Borg enhancements are retained by Jean-Luc Picard? [duplicate]

What Borg enhancements does Captain Picard still possess from his time as Locutus? It is clear that there is some link, which was especially seen in First Contact where Picard seemed to know where to ...
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4 answers

Did Picard violate Article 14, Section 31 of the Starfleet Charter?

Article 14, Section 31 of the Starfleet Charter allowed for extraordinary measures to be taken in times of extreme threat. In TNG episode I, Borg, by not infecting Hugh with the virus before returning ...
GalacticCriminal's user avatar
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Why did Data say Picard would be "an excellent drone" in Star Trek: First Contact?

I don't understand why Data said Picard will be "an excellent drone" in Star Trek: First Contact. Picard has already been assimilated, all his knowledge already absorbed by the collective, ...
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