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Questions tagged [john-varley]

For questions about the science fiction works of John Varley, an American writer born in 1947.

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5 votes
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A possibly Varley short fiction about a clone, his sister-progenitor and a complicated family history

I read this short story (or perhaps novelette) at least 40 years ago, in a collection. I realise now that the story might well be by John Varley. But I'm pretty sure it was not a pure Varley ...
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15 votes
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A short fiction about a woman repeatedly killed by another version of herself

I am positive that mine is a short fiction, either a short story or just a shortish novelette, definitely not a novel. I read it many decades ago, probably in a collection. I read very few magazines. ...
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Is there an article that discusses the influence of Robert Heinlein on John Varley?

I just finished rereading Red Thunder by John Varley, which is a fine read, as are the other two books in his trilogy. This time, Heinlein's Rocket Ship Galileo flashed into my brain. Please note, I ...
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9 votes
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Who is the author "DT in Oakland"?

I asked John Varley about this directly, but he says he forgot. In his 1986 short "The Unprocessed Word", he cites three other authors whose work in longhand and/or typewriter proves that you don't ...
Danny Sichel's user avatar
4 votes
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In Steel Beach, who does "Maria" think her father is?

Near the end of Steel Beach by John Varley, Maria asks Callie who her father is. She doesn't get an answer, but afterwards, she comments, Still, I think I do know. (p. 559) Who does she think it ...
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