Questions tagged [journey-to-the-center-of-the-earth]

Use for questions about Jules Verne's 1864 novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth".

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6 votes
1 answer

How was distance measured when sailing the Liedenbrock Sea?

In Journey to the Center of the Earth (1877) by Jules Verne. The professor estimates the size of the sea to be 30 - 40 leagues. "How long do you suppose this sea to be?" "Thirty or ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes
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Where does light come from in Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth?

Disclaimer: I haven't read the book yet, but am really curious about this, but am trying to avoid spoilers that give away the whole story. I'm trying to get just an answer to this question without ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
2 votes
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Why did Axel think algae can grow 3500 meters deep in a sea?

In Jules Verne, Voyage au centre de la Terre, chapter 32, Axel seems to believe that algae can grow 12000 feet (4000 meters) under the sea. This is an order of magnitude wrong. Why would Axel ...
b_jonas's user avatar
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How far down were the crystal caves in Journey to the Center of the Earth?

How far down were the explorers when they found the crystalline caves in the 1960s movie Journey to the Center of the Earth? Also, did any such caves exist at the time Jules Verne wrote the novel?
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar