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Questions tagged [julian-bashir]

For questions about the DS9 character "Julian Bashir". Only use for questions about the character not those that simply mention him. Always use in conjunction with the [star-trek] and [star-trek-ds9] tags.

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4 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't the Bashir Changeling slay Deep Space Nine's senior staff?

During the Dominion War, after Dr. Bashir is replaced aboard the station with a Changeling, why doesn't the Changeling at least attempt to kill the senior staff? Killing the staff would likely be ...
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20 votes
5 answers

How does Julian Bashir measure up to Khan Singh?

In season 5, episode 16 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, “Doctor Bashir, I Presume?” it is revealed that Bashir has a deep dark secret, a secret that could land his entire family in prison. His family's ...
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