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Questions tagged [kaiju]

Kaiju (怪獣 kaijū?) is a Japanese word that literally translates to "strange beast". However, the word kaiju has been translated and defined in English as "strange beast". Specifically, it is used to refer to a genre of tokusatsu entertainment. Kaiju films usually showcase monsters of any form attacking a major Japanese city or engaging another (or multiple) monsters in battle.

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Looking for short story about alien scavengers chasing space whales on earth

I read this short story years ago on the net, and a lot of details have faded from my mind since then. The premise is that there are these gigantic space-borne creatures that eats just about ...
Kenneth Tan's user avatar
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What are the logistics behind sending Jaegers into battle?

Logistics is an underrated aspect of warfare and many see it as the most important part about going to war. When the Nazis were making their way into the USSR and were forced to fight in the brutal ...
user69268's user avatar
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If the Kaiju have a hive mind, why did Slattern call for assistance with sound?

The Kaiju were hypothesised to have a hive mind. It was virtually proven when two Kaiju came through the breach to find Newt after he drifted with part of a dead Kaiju's brain. Given that, why, in ...
hpm's user avatar
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When was the Japanese film Rodan (1956) shown in the USA?

According to Wikipedia, Radon/Rodan was released in 1956 in Japan and 1957 in the USA. The King Brothers Productions 1957 theatrical release of Rodan was quite successful in its first run in the ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar