Questions tagged [midichlorians]

For questions pertaining to the microscopic organisms in the Star Wars universe that mediate beings' connection to the Force. Only use this tag when your question is specifically about midi-chlorians, rather than just mentioning them.

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31 votes
5 answers

In the Star Wars universe, how are midichlorians supposed to work?

Taking aside whether connecting a mystical energy to a biological basis is a good idea or not, how is it supposed to work? I know that generally the more midichlorians, the more Force potential. Is it ...
John's user avatar
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2 answers

What exactly are the Jedi measuring in the Phantom Menace?

In this clip from the Phantom Menace, we see Qui-Gon take a blood sample from Anakin and have Obi-Wan analyze it for midi-chlorians. From there they get this number: Anakin has a midi-chlorian count ...
DBPriGuy's user avatar
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1 answer

When did George Lucas compare midi-chlorians to mitochondria?

It is widely reported online that the following quote is attributed to George Lucas: Midi-chlorians are a loose depiction of mitochondria, which are necessary components for cells to divide. They ...
Integration's user avatar
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Does Darth Maul lose Force potential when Obi-Wan cuts his lower half off?

I know the whole "midichlorian count = Force potential" is a touchy and controversial topic among Star Wars fans, but the fact is Lucas has confirmed it as canon so it is, unfortunately, what it is. ...
Eddie Boncek's user avatar