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Questions tagged [miles-morales]

For questions about the Marvel character Miles Morales, an incarnation of Spider-Man. Always use in conjunction with the [marvel] tag.

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Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales; Explanation for bio-electrical energy system's chemical formula and link to NuForm [closed]

This is a screenshot from Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PS4. The chemical formula is captioned as "Bio-Electrical energy system; * chemicals that interact w/ nuform" and was found on ...
slitear's user avatar
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What is the story continuing the "future of international espionage" plot from Spider-Man (2016)?

I've just finished reading the Spider-Man (2016) series by Bendis. In the last panel of issue #21, Miles's dad meets Cable talking about the "future of international espionage". A few ...
Varkal's user avatar
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How exactly is Miles Morales (1610) camouflage power explained to work in-universe?

That's about it: I'm asking about the possible mechanics of Miles’ power, as they explain it in comic canon. Also curious as to the "Real world" possible explanation, but trying to basically ...
Russhiro's user avatar
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