Questions tagged [mind-uploading]

Mind uploading, or whole brain emulation, is the process of transferring the mind of a living being into a computer or network.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Book involving the murder trial of a scientist who uploaded his daughter's mind to a computer

I read it in the early 80's. But not necessarily published then. A slim hardback with a black and white cover and just the title which was something like "The Curious Case of" + girl's name. ...
Sp8cemunky's user avatar
9 votes
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searching for a short story with a theme park full of robotic fair folk powered by uploaded personalities

A short scifi story in an anthology of short scifi stories - Setting is an entirely automated amusement park with a sort of Land Of Faerie theme. All park character robots are controlled by AIs ...
Bassoe's user avatar
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Science fiction story about an intelligent man whose mind was uploaded into a computer to solve future problems

I read this not much more than 10 years ago, but it might be much older. The man was not “super-intelligent”, just someone who, through his faculty of analysis and/or intuition and/or general wisdom,...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 13.7k
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Sci-Fi book title based on form-changing beings

I'm looking for the title of a book my mother read to me when I was young. I am sure it was a book, not 100% though as I was 8-11, around 15 years ago. MAybe a short? This was 1998-2002 or so, so not ...
Mick's user avatar
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Novel where minds uploaded into computers form cliques, but a system failure leads to some deaths

Thanks all, I'm going back to my youth and I'd like to re-read a novel, which I was reminded of by a recent TV show. Fairly short, published by the traditional yellow covers. Read around mid 70's. ...
Martin O'Donnell's user avatar
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Short story about a man who has mind transferred into a woman's body

It was a part of short story about a man who wakes up in a woman's body. I read it some time in the eighties. There was a black and white illustration of the "woman" looking into a mirror, and there ...
gturlington's user avatar