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Questions tagged [nolan-batman-trilogy]

A trilogy of Batman films conceived and directed by Christopher Nolan between 2005 and 2012. They are Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises.

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Why is Bruce Batman for only 2 years/six months, retiring in TDKR? And why does he considers it through out The Dark Knight?

In most media, Bruce Wayne becomes Batman because he wants to to strike fear into criminals because he believes it has a greater impact than just pummeling them into submission. That is why he dons ...
Andrew Casali's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there any relation between Bane and the Korean smugglers?

In The Dark Knight, Bruce goes on a love boat with all the ballerinas as an alibi to catch Lau from his building and bring him to Gotham. He therefore hires Korean Smugglers who below the radar to ...
Md Danish Khan's user avatar