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Questions tagged [novel]

For questions about a book of long narrative in literary prose, in order to distinguish it from other types of story. Do NOT use this tag for every question which happens to be about a novel. Use to either identify the media on a [story-identification] question or disambiguate works where the tag covers the novel and its form in other media.

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9 votes
0 answers

Short sci-fi novel in which aliens mutated humans by showing them some image

Please help me find a short sci-fi novel I read about 40 years ago: There were incoming aliens and humans were mutating from just looking at them (or some other image?). Humans found a blind Special ...
dee's user avatar
  • 91
5 votes
0 answers

Sci-fi novel exploring time dilation as a man escapes to a castle tower and witnesses the universe's death

I'm looking to identify this sci-fi novel about a man who escapes to a castle tower chased by a mysterious being. The protagonist eventually lifts into space and loses all sense of time as he watches ...
Paolo DI PAOLO's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Post-WW2 novel that switches perspective between Hiroshima survivor and nuclear scientist [closed]

Back in the early/mid 2010's I had read a novel that switched the perspective between a girl that survived the nuclear bombing in WW2, and one of the scientists that helped in the creation of the ...
Garett Leitner-Ehman's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Young adult fantasy book about a girl who accidentally kills her boyfriend and decides to attend an academy for witches or magic

I recently saw an ad on Facebook for a book about a young girl who accidentally kills her boyfriend. She decides to attend an academy for witches or magic (I can't remember which). She is forced to ...
Lisa Knight's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Book about a boy and girl whose family believe the world will end and need to meet at a mountain top

Don't remember much more. Just that it's a church or a cult that believes the world is ending or the leader believes they need to meet at mountain top on a certain night. If I remember right, the main ...
Wolfsage's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Book about a girl and her tiger in space

It's a story about a redhead girl raised mostly with tigers who ends up going into space because space pirates took her off of her planet with a tiger. She ends up being adopted by the captain of the ...
Sabrina's user avatar
  • 91
2 votes
0 answers

YA Trilogy where boys live on an island. They're unaware of the existence of women

I remember a trilogy of YA books I read as a kid, but I can't remember the name. Here are a few details, maybe they'll strike a chord with someone here. Boys live and study in a school on an island ...
Anna's user avatar
  • 21
-2 votes
0 answers

Looking for the title of a manwha/manga/novel with MC pretending to be a god

He helped little/small(?) people/dwarves (?) and they were slaves of vampires(?) and they found their abandoned kingdom when they were escaping. I think he pretended to be a god or an ancestor of the ...
nana's user avatar
  • 1
10 votes
1 answer

Book about a girl who is sentenced to death by robot elders for idolizing a man who was considered dangerous to her society

I'm seeking a book I would have read about 20 years ago. It's set within a totalitarian society that survived a world-changing event that was either war or a catastrophe. There are walls enclosing the ...
Samantha Johnson's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Book about a post-apocalyptic Messenger Service that is seeking to use the last shuttle to activate a satellite system for communications

A science fiction book about a post-apocalyptic horse riding Messenger Service whose leader is seeking to use the last space shuttle to get to a space station to reactivate a satellite system to ...
user34194's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Navola: Series or Standalone?

The question is in the title, and I ask because, having just finished it: So, can anyone confirm that is the first of a series? Or a stand alone work?
Novak's user avatar
  • 559
4 votes
1 answer

Kindle Unlimited book where people use rocks to gain powers

I'm trying to remember a Kindle Unlimited book where people use rocks to gain powers. The only things I remember about the book are that the male protagonist's village is a granite mine, and that the ...
Equilibrium's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

A novel (and a movie) about a village in southern France where a strange succession of events happens

I read this book many decades ago, in French original. A few years later, I saw the movie (most probably with the same title) that was made about it, also in French. I'm positive the author is French ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 22.3k
13 votes
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Mankind fighting AI coming on asteroid from outer space

I would like to ask you for help identifying a rather short story or novel (maybe short series). I believe I was reading it somewhere on internet and it may have been an amateur author publication or ...
LQd's user avatar
  • 131
7 votes
1 answer

Looking for Urban Fantasy Novel Taking Place In NYC Written in Past 10-years

Female lead, addicted to coke, works with New York Police, serial murders. She's called to a murder that has been "cloaked" in the NY subway system. When exposed, it seems posed as if a ...
Techteacher314's user avatar
26 votes
1 answer

A SF novel where a very poor girl finds a "talking book" meant for daughters of extremely rich people [duplicate]

I read this novel more than 30 years ago. It begins with a (orphaned ?) little girl who lives in the streets finding a weird book. It talks, and is probably AI. IIRC, it is one extra illegal copy of a ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 22.3k
29 votes
1 answer

A SF novel where one character makes a "light portrait" of another one, with huge consequences

I read this novel so long ago I don't even remember when. Maybe 40 years ago, or more. I'm positive it is a novel, but the only thing that comes to my mind is one small but essential episode. One ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 22.3k
3 votes
0 answers

Web novel with a female lead with red hair who is running away from her husband after finding out his real identity

She stole from a very powerful man and he put a hit on her. He tells her he's someone else and he marries her to keep an eye on her and kill her himself. He ends up falling for her, but she has found ...
LunarMoth's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Book or novel about an intelligent monolith from space that crashes into a mountain

An intelligent rock like monolith crashes into the side of a mountain from space. It emits either heat or radiation, the military investigates. It moves down the mountain into a lake or ocean. It can'...
David Williams's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Story where character has "boomerdisc"

Unfortunately, this is all I remember from this story. This boomerdisc apparently returns when thrown like a boomerang. I realize it makes for some slim pickings but it's all I have.
Quisizyx's user avatar
  • 793
16 votes
2 answers

I'm trying to remember a novel about an asteroid threatening to destroy the earth. I remember seeing the phrase "SHIVA IS COMING" on the cover

I'm trying to remember a novel about an asteroid threatening to destroy the earth. I remember seeing the phrase "SHIVA IS COMING" on the cover. That may have been the title, or it may just ...
V. Horizons's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Book for children/teenagers where the protagonist gets stuck in a time dilation-esque situation

I read this book when I was a child, probably 2010-2012, but of course the book could have been older. I don't expect it to be pre-2000, though. I read it in Dutch, in a library. I know that the main ...
Casper0410's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Young fantasy book about a group of teenagers who have magical beasts

A young African girl in a village who is supposed to be married. She bonds with a magical beast. On the other side of the world, a young teenage boy bonds with, I believe, a hawk or bird of some kind. ...
ahmed ahmed's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

SF novel where the story, or part of it, is narrated by two linked brains taking turns

In which the story, or part of it, is narrated by two linked brains In which the story, or part of it, is narrated by two linked brains, maybe brother and sister, taking turns, while the other shuts ...
Terry Gee's user avatar
  • 133
14 votes
1 answer

1969s-1970s novel, mankind needs to emigrate to escape Sun going nova, women are higher status than men, men have artificial snake familiars

I think the author might have been James Blish, but scanning his bibliography didn't make it jump out. The planet they are escaping from is not, it turns out, Earth. Thanks to perfect paternity tests ...
Ross Presser's user avatar
  • 5,737
8 votes
1 answer

Old UK novel with travel through soap films

About forty-five years ago I read a novel (novella?) in paperback that I think was published in the UK. It involved a scientist who discovered how to view, and ultimately travel to different ...
Joe Slater's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

YA novel with a front cover featuring a haunted house and a blonde (?) girl’s eye in the top-right

I read this book 15 years ago, and cannot remember what it was called. I only remember really liking it. It was a young-adult novel with a front cover featuring a haunted house and a blonde (?) girl’s ...
April's user avatar
  • 1
3 votes
0 answers

Sci fi book where the President's consciousness is transferred into an android

It was a novel with a female protagonist who wakes up in a hospital at the very end. The entire thing is set on Mars, and there aren't any Martians. The big twist is that the President is immortal ...
Keya's user avatar
  • 31
15 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi book with a part-human, part-machine protagonist who lives for centuries to witness robots gain sentience and wage war on humans

I vaguely remember a sci-fi book I read with a long saga that starts with a human explorer who is fatally injured in a ship explosion and is then kept alive by being turned into a half-mechanical ...
Sima's user avatar
  • 153
2 votes
1 answer

Magical academy book where the female lead gets sent to a magical school and has relations with 3 or 4 other guys

The female lead destroys a city, then gets sent to a magical school and her male best friend gets in as well. She has strong feelings about 3 or 4 other guys at the school and has sex with them. One ...
Adele's user avatar
  • 29
17 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi book about humanity warring against aliens that eliminate all species in the galaxy

I am looking for a book that I read last(?) year. I think it was rather older, though. Aliens have arrived in some sort of ark, looking like a huge meteorite. At first they appear peaceful but then it ...
Aemon's user avatar
  • 171
7 votes
1 answer

Name of a YA book about a girl who undergoes secret experimental surgery that makes her super smart

I last read this book some 10+ years ago and I could swear the title is 'M' something. The main character gets in an accident and undergoes secret experimental surgery that both saves her life and ...
PhedreNo's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Boy finds a new world, meets a werewolf who knew his father

Posting for a friend. The novel (possibly YA fiction) involved a boy finding a new world, possibly underground. The boy (who's an ordinary human) finds a werewolf who knew his dad, and the boy has a ...
Stop Being Evil's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Book about a girl who lives in a world with genetically-modified humans and runs into a girl who looks exactly like her

I recall reading a story about a young teen girl who lives in a world with genetically-modified humans and non-modified humans. On a school trip (rock climbing/hiking?), she runs into a girl who looks ...
Jennifer Beauchesne's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Looking for a story about a colonized solar system that has asteroid belts but no habitable planet

I remember reading a novel set in a solar system that had a very rich asteroid system, significant resources at the gas giant Trojans, and no habitable planet. It had had a very rich civilization ...
Jeff Dege's user avatar
  • 2,490
6 votes
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Fantasy manhwa where the female lead is a demon that was summoned by a human for revenge

The female lead has blonde hair and red eyes. She's a demon who was summoned by a pregnant and injured woman who was being chased by the father of the child. As the woman was dying she summoned a ...
Petros's user avatar
  • 61
2 votes
0 answers

Science-fiction novel with a human female anthropologist and an alien planet with a collapsed civilisation [closed]

Female human anthropologist. Alien planet with collapsed civilisation. 4-armed locals. A big bridge that survived the collapse of civilisation.
user183626's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Book about mage/wizard boy

Read this around 2010-2012 but not sure how old the book is. It kept switching to a different time every once in a while. Boy travels and enters a school for boys to become a mage/wizard. There was a ...
Shego's user avatar
  • 99
7 votes
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Fake Galileo telescopes at astronomy conference

In this century, I read a science fiction novel in which the main character was an astronomer (probably an alien first contact story). At one point the main character is remembering a conference he ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 56.6k
12 votes
4 answers

Science fiction story about space travellers who find a population in suspended animation

I'm trying to find the title of a story where a spaceship lands on a planet and find lots of people in suspended animation. The manage to reawaken one (after a few failures) and find that they were ...
quantropy's user avatar
  • 285
11 votes
1 answer

A novel where evolution from Neanderthals to us, and from us to superhumans is just by shedding facial skin to become less prognathous

I read this novel about 20 years ago, in English. Even though the science is horribly wrong (which did bother me a lot) it is really a great novel. It starts with an anthropologist finding that ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 22.3k
13 votes
1 answer

50s-60s novel likely written by a British author — ancient starship discovery unveils humanity's extraterrestrial roots

I'm looking for a novel from the 50s or 60s, most probably written by a British author. In the novel, explorers find an ancient starship, and reverse engineering gives humanity the same ars. Using the ...
Armando Mendietta's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Book about a school for young inventors with a flying yellow cab on the cover

I'm trying to find a book about a school for young inventors. I seem to remember a flying yellow cab on the cover. I have tried to find the book on Amazon with no luck.
Jackson Young's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Old trilogy about God watching the fractal universe while mankind suffered

This was a series of a few novels I read maybe 20-30 years ago. I seem to remember maybe an Australian author, but that could be wrong. The stories focused around the Fallen Angel and him living in ...
Mike McCown's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Novel about the protagonist trying to survive/escape a human farm

I know virtually nothing about this book/novel beyond vague descriptions. It's about the protagonist trying to survive/escape a human farm. I'm not sure if the farm was run by zombies or aliens. The ...
Ez-.- Barb's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Book about a girl with an acorn in her eye and with that eye she can see magic in the earth

Not sure when the book came out. It's about a girl with an acorn in her eye, but she doesn't know that until later in the book when it comes out and with that eye she can see magic in the earth. The ...
Christie's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Science fiction about a science post on the edge of the galaxy

I remember reading a novel about a science post on the edge of the galaxy. An alien lands and proceeds to mess with everyone. They end up having an orgy and the station is mostly destroyed. A woman ...
Patrick's user avatar
  • 81
14 votes
1 answer

Finding a story: Space travel in canoes, automated self-healing houses

I read a book in the early 1990's or late '80s about a ML who lived in a house that could rebuild itself to a certain point. I think his ex-girlfriend died and her conscience was became a part of ...
Jason Semans's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

MC is tested by touching an orb. Color it produces determines class/talent. It glowed white when he touched it. Meaning he has no class/talent

Probably within the last 5-10 years, English (It's also possible I am recalling a Manga series, and not a book, if it was a manga, I dont know the original language.) MC comes of age (I don't recall ...
NJohnny's user avatar
  • 13k
9 votes
1 answer

Looking for a novel where a character pitched the idea of building a mass driver on Earth to several different countries [duplicate]

I probably read this story back in the 1980's or 1990's. At the time I was reading the likes of Arthur C. Clark, James P. Hogan, Ben Bova, Harry Harrison, Heinlein, and Larry Niven. I recall that in ...
phil1008's user avatar
  • 417

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