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Questions tagged [online-resources]

Referring to items that are available for global access from an Internet connected machine, such as a computer or mobile phone.

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6 votes
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Online English story about a wish to "banish darkness" gone wrong

Trying to find an online English story about a wish to "banish darkness" gone wrong. I'm trying to recall a story I read online ages back which involved a world in a slow apocalypse because ...
Malady's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Short story where an alien signal containing a DNA sequence leads to the end of life on Earth

I read this short story online some time in the past 10 years. Year and author unknown. It starts on an alien planet where the only life is a red (?) moss or lichen. At some point a gigantic antenna ...
Jeppe Rasmussen's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

What can be found on the "terminal" on the Jurassic World promotional website?

For the promotion of Jurassic World, a website was made for Masrani Global, the company operating the theme park. On that site, there is a simulated computer terminal one can log onto. What can be ...
SQB's user avatar
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15 votes
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Looking for short story about AI being tested for going out of control

A story that starts with scientists asking an AI what its name is and it says something silly (like Sally, or something). They make a little joke about this and proceed with some other questions. The ...
Coykto's user avatar
  • 53
28 votes
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Story-id: “Lost in Space” novel (posted on USENET in 87-88) with an engineer and an AI trapped on a interstellar freighter and the other crew dead

This is an incredible long shot, because I read this in the late 80’s in a USENET newsgroup and I have no idea if it ever appeared in print. In schoolyear 87-88 I had newsgroup access via my ...
Tonny's user avatar
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31 votes
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Short satire about a comically upscaled spaceship

About 5-7 years ago, I stumbled upon a forum post with a few paragraphs written about a spaceship that started with the designs of a "normal" sized military type starship, and just scaled up ...
user120675's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Web site with posts talking about humans being overpowered ("OP"), strange, or dangerous from the aliens' perspective

I remember seeing a Web site a couple years ago that explored user-submitted stories where aliens find humans OP, strange, insane, etc., etc. Now I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know what I'm ...
degu man's user avatar
2 votes
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Where's the original webcomic for "Extraordinary: A Story of an Ordinary Princess"?

Where's the original webcomic for "Extraordinary: A Story of an Ordinary Princess"? The Amazon store page says: Portland comics artist Cassie Anderson (Lifeformed) takes her webcomic to ...
Malady's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is there any site with all Iron Man's armors with name and image? [closed]

Is there any site that has all Iron Man suits (including the comic suits) with their images and name? I am doing paintings of his armor and I need reference images. I already have the MCU armors. I ...
MKX's user avatar
  • 289
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a definitive family tree?

On the official website for Dark, there's an interactive family tree, which shows the family tree based on which episodes you have seen. I read somewhere there is a family tree that shows the full ...
SQB's user avatar
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1 vote
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Space Centurions V

About 1977 some friends and I played a game called ‘Space Centurions V’ (5). It was a play by mail game, colonizing and conquering planets. I am inventing a similar game and wonder if anyone has a ...
Vaughn Ohlman's user avatar
2 votes
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What are the differences between the Tolkien wiki sites?

There are (at least) three Wiki website dedicated to Tolkien's works: Tolkien Gateway, The J.R.R.T. Encyclopedia. The One Wiki to Rule Them All (, The LotR Wiki The Tolkien Wiki Community ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 10.1k
4 votes
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Looking for 1995 - 2005 website about a fantasy horde sort of like World of Warcraft but different

I'm looking for information regarding either a website or the works it was based on. I believe it had green text on a black background. "Horde" was a part of the name, I believe "the horde". It was a ...
MikeC's user avatar
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9 votes
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Early 2000s(?) science-fiction short-story-a-week-style website with a large archive

I stumbled across a story-a-week-style science-fiction site many years ago, read hundreds of pieces from the archives, then somehow lost track of it. I'd love to find it again but have no idea where ...
Daniel Slomovits's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Sources for The Tough Guide to Fantasyland stemming from judging an amateur fantasy contest?

Sources for The Tough Guide to Fantasyland stemming from judging an amateur fantasy contest? TVTropes's page for the book, in their Dead Unicorn Trope entry, says that it was made after Diana Wynne ...
Malady's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Website with a collection of sci fi stories set in the same universe; powerful AIs being regarded as Gods, one named Gaia, and a "technopocalypse"

There is a site with lots of stories all set in a future with super powerful AIs regarded as Gods, the most powerful being matrioshka brains. They have a specific terminology but I can't remember ...
Cupit's user avatar
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3 votes
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Online story about virtual pets and a woman who crusades to save them

I remember the main protagonist being female. She works with artificial intelligences in a virtual world, which I think was a bit like Second Life. There are no ways to build an artificial ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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Does there exist a detailed list or database of science fiction works, that includes both year written and year set? [duplicate]

I had it in mind to create a kind of 2D plot of classic science fiction stories, with the year it was written on one axis, and the year it's set on the other. The goal is to see if any patterns stand ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is there a full text search engine for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien?

When answering to another question on this site related to A Song of Ice and Fire by G.R.R. Martin, another user pointed out a site where it is possible to perform searches on the full texts of the ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
  • 15.2k
5 votes
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Is there a detailed plot summary for The Fifth Season?

I just started reading The Obelisk Gate, book two of the Broken Earth trilogy by N. K . Jemison and am lost. I've forgotten a lot of what happened in book one, The Fifth Season. Usually I go to ...
splattered bits's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a map of Daenerys's palace?

I am writing some fanfic in the form of an After Action report based on my Aegon VI CK2 AGOT mod playthrough. In my version of events, I (Aegon) learned (after defeating the Lannister and Baratheon ...
Jax's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is there a place on the internet where I could find actual Star Trek episode scripts?

Through the years I have purchased a few Star Trek scripts. I even have a DS9 script a buddy of mine mistakenly took off set and dazzled me with at Christmas years ago. As neat as those are to own, ...
Jerry Nixon's user avatar
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Online fantasy story about puzzles and a girl who remembers the future but not the past

When I was a kid, maybe 15-19 years ago but possibly more, my Dad printed off chapters of an online story for me. I can't remember much about it, or what it was called. I think the puzzles were beyond ...
AlbeyAmakiir's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Where can I find any recording of Roger Zelazny's voice on the Internet?

I'm a big fan of Roger Zelazny's work and, be it weird, I'd love to hear how he sounded. I've looked far and wide and was unable to find any resource though. Are there any freely-available-to-...
Maurycy's user avatar
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7 votes
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Fictional Sci-Fi Dates Calendar?

Is there any kind of online database, that features calendar of dates from sci-fi books/movies etc. Not sci-fi real life events calendar, but something similar to this for example, but more detailed
dmzkrsk's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Is there a list of Force powers? [closed]

Does anybody know a website where I can find a comprehensive list of every power or application of the Force ever used in Star Wars by movie, TV episode, novel, comic, game, sourcebook, and other ...
Donmax's user avatar
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Is there a transcript of the Futurama Live Q&A available?

The Futurama Live Q&A occurred at Is there a transcript available for this Q&A? Either official or fan transcribed is fine.
dlanod's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is there a web site (and/or) the book(s)in which are accumulated theories/ideas from science fiction & fantasy books/movies? [closed]

I'm searching for sites and/or books which have the most interesting theories (pseudo-theories), philosophical/religious ideas, and hypotheses gathered from speculative fiction, primarily, in science ...
aksr's user avatar
  • 257
17 votes
1 answer

Where to check if a Movie has a post-credit scene without being spoiled?

I recently missed some information because I did not watch a movie until the end of the credits. I usually don't search on-line about a movie before watching it because I fear being spoiled. So, is ...
DavRob60's user avatar
  • 96.1k
9 votes
3 answers

Where can I find SF reviews? [closed]

What are good places on the web to find reviews of SF books, movies, etc.? A good review site: explains why one might or might not like a work, not just listing synopses offers many reviews to ...
15 votes
3 answers

Does any site keep track of how many pages each point of view character has in each book of ASoIaF?

I'm rereading A Feast For Crows (4th book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin) and either Cersei has way more page time than any other character, or I just hate reading her so ...
Sandy's user avatar
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10 votes
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Is there an issue-by-issue summary of Sandman?

I am looking for some place that has an issue-by-issue summary of Sandman. Could anybody provide me such a link?
apoorv020's user avatar
  • 16.5k
8 votes
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What is suvudu?

I recently started looking at Suvudu's famous cage matches (e.g. Quick Ben vs. Snape). The wiki page says that it's a site operated by Random House, but not much else. So is Suvudu a random collection ...
apoorv020's user avatar
  • 16.5k
13 votes
4 answers

Trying to find a forgotten science fiction plot resource website

At least five years ago, I had an idea for a website that was a database of plot elements used in science fiction books and movies, creating lists of the works that use each element. So one entry ...
livingtech's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How could I find fantasy stories with all female characters?

I would be interested in reading a fantasy novel with all-female characters. Is there a good resource for finding such stories? (Or more generally any written science fiction or fantasy with all-...
Darius's user avatar
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17 votes
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I am trying to find a story that I read online some time ago. (uploading, similar to "Accelerando", "natural reserve" for humans)

This is what I remember: I think the author was not a professional writer but the story was cited in other webs. A main theme was "uploading". The pace remembered me to "Accelerando&...
Robert's user avatar
  • 806
10 votes
3 answers

Is there a Huttese Sound Archive online?

"Huttese" is the Star Wars Language spoken by Jabba the Hutt. It was designed by sound designer Ben Burtt. I read on wikipedia that it was based on Quechua. Now... I noticed that my 1 year old son ...
edelwater's user avatar
  • 601
14 votes
5 answers

Are there reference sci-fi websites that maintain lists of "must have" books? [closed]

Are there websites that maintain lists of "must have" English SF books? As an example, in French, there is La Bibliothèque Idéale de l’Imaginaire from Le Cafard Cosmique, which loosely translates to ...
16 votes
4 answers

Is there a website that shows which SF book/film awards there are? [closed]

What website references the SF awards that are awarded to science fiction books and films?
StuperUser's user avatar
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14 votes
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What published metrics are there on how sci-fi is doing as a genre in the publishing business?

I've heard that sci-fi is on the wane as a genre. Are there numbers to reassure me that sci-fi isn't going the way of Westerns/Cowboy books?
MatthewMartin's user avatar
37 votes
5 answers

Is there a reasonably complete online database of science-fiction works?

Is there a reasonably complete online database of sf works? For written sf: the Internet Speculative Fiction Database For movies: the Internet Movie Database What about other media, such as comics, ...
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