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Questions tagged [project-hail-mary]

For questions about the 2021 science fiction novel "Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir.

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In Project Hail Mary, How did the medical robot solve the zero-G bone deterioration problem?

In Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, the challenges of space travel are addressed in two discussions so far, (p.108-111) sanity/ comas/ crew quality and (p.256) medical armature ("robot") for ...
杜興怡's user avatar
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Why don't Grace and Rocky go to Earth?

In Project Hail Mary, Grace and Rocky only have enough fuel to reach either Earth or Rocky's homeworld Erid, and they choose to go to Erid. Why do they make this choice when it is stated that the ...
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Project Hail Mary - differences in audiobook

The Audible listing for 'Project Hail Mary' By Andy Weir states: PLEASE NOTE: To accommodate this audio edition, some changes to the original text have been made with the approval of author Andy Weir....
Pat Dobson's user avatar
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Why don't the Eridians in Project Hail Mary have radiation from the ground?

New poster here, so any feedback is appreciated. In Project Hail Mary, it's stated that the Eridians don't know about radiation, and they are very susceptible to cancer because of it. However, on ...
Firedestroyer's user avatar
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In Project Hail Mary, how did Eridians make sensors for electromagnetic radiation without understanding radiation?

In Andy Weir's Project Hail Mary, on page 224, we get the following conversation between Rocky and Grace: I try another approach. "Space has very very very fast hydrogen atoms. They move almost ...
louisch's user avatar
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In Project Hail Mary, why wasn't nitrogen in the normal human atmosphere a problem for the taumoeba?

In Andy Weir's Project Hail Mary, nitrogen in the atmosphere is lethal for the astrophage predator taumoeba. In part of the story they are trying to breed taumeba that can live in a few percent ...
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