Questions tagged [rogue]

Use this tag for the X-Men member, preferably in conjunction with [x-men] and [marvel] and relevant other tags.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What would happen if Rogue touched Rogue?

Has Rogue ever encountered someone with the same mutant ability as herself? I.E., they absorb the mental knowledge and physical abilities of someone when they make skin-to-skin contact. If it hasn't ...
Engineer Toast's user avatar
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With her enhanced durability and resistance, is Rogue capable of getting physically sick?

Rogue from the X-men is a utant with the ability to take bio-energy, and thus powers, from other mutants and super beings. At her base, though, while mutant, her genome is still essentially human. ...
Russhiro's user avatar
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Can Rogue's mutant siphoning power sustain her, or does she need to eat?

The X-Man Rogue's central ability is bio-energy absorption via tactile contact on her skin. Done for too long on another being, she can absorb their "life energy", and in the case of other super ...
Russhiro's user avatar
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