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Questions tagged [star-trek-dominion]

In the Star Trek universe, the Dominion is a superpower and dominant polity in the Gamma Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy. It invaded the Alpha Quadrant in 2373, before being repelled in 2375. Use this tag for questions concerning the Dominion and the Dominion War. Use this with the [star-trek] tag.

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4 votes
1 answer

How racially diverse is the Dominion?

To memory, in Star Trek: Deep Space 9, we only see three races from the Dominion: The Jem'Hadar The Founders The Vorta What other races exist within it?
J. Mini's user avatar
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Was the Dominion War created to help increase ratings?

I often wonder what DS9 would have been like without the Dominion War, and I was wondering if it was created to help increase ratings, much like the Xindi war was for Enterprise. It seems that Rick ...
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28 votes
4 answers

If the Dominion rule using their Jem'Hadar troops, why is their life expectancy so low?

In the series Deep Space 9, it has been stated that the Dominion has absolute control over their part of the Gamma quadrant. Literally this would mean that they rule every planet and race inside their ...
Kasper's user avatar
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Star Trek Founders' alien name?

The leaders of the dominion are known for having 3 names: The Founders, what they called themselves, which became their official Star Trek name. Shapeshifters*, what others called them. Changelings*,...
Kasper's user avatar
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Did the real Dr. Bashir check on the brain surgery his changeling impostor did to Captain Sisko?

In the Star Trek: Deep Space 9 episode, "In Purgatory's Shadow Part-1", Worf and Garak are captured and sent to a Dominion prison only to discover that Bashir is already there. Bashir is ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't the Bashir Changeling slay Deep Space Nine's senior staff?

During the Dominion War, after Dr. Bashir is replaced aboard the station with a Changeling, why doesn't the Changeling at least attempt to kill the senior staff? Killing the staff would likely be ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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12 votes
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How do civilians react to the Federation's wars?

Considering the number of wars the Federation fought in Star Trek, more so in The Next Generation/Deep Space Nine era than in The Original Series era it seems, how does the Federation's civilian ...
WVR Spence WestVirginiaRebel's user avatar
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Why did the Dominion not start the war over again after the treaty? [closed]

After the war with the Dominion in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant was over, a peace treaty was signed. The female shapeshifter signs the documents with contempt. Surely in their view that treaty is just ...
Snowwie's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Was there any explanation given to why the Dominion doesn't replicate ketracel white?

Production facilities for ketracel white are a target for the Federation, because the Dominion needs it to keep the Jem'Hadar under control. Was there a canon reason given as to why the Dominion ...
geometrikal's user avatar
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Why would the changeling take Garak to Sisko?

Before the opening credits of In Purgatory's Shadow: [In Runabout] (Bashir is waiting for him with a phaser.) BASHIR: Going somewhere? GARAK: I really must remember to stop underestimating you, ...
Memnoch's user avatar
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How far was the wormhole from Dominion territory?

How far away from the Gamma Quadrant entrance to the wormhole is the edge of Dominion-controlled territory? Or is the wormhole inside Dominion territory?
Memnoch's user avatar
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Can Vortas get drunk?

Vortas make good diplomats because they are immune to many types of poison. Since alcohol is a poison, I wonder if a Vorta could drink even Scotty or Mr. Homn under the table.
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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Are the Cardassians (and Breen) required to withdraw from their homeworlds?

Having just run across this answer: where the wording of the Treaty of Bajor is quoted: All military forces of the Dominion, including Founder, Jem’...
Damon's user avatar
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When did Quark save Kira from the Dominion?

In a very small side-element of DS9 episode The Magnificent Ferengi episode, Major Kira says: Kira: Consider it payback, Quark, for rescuing me from the Dominion. Memory Alpha links the sentence ...
trejder's user avatar
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Why didn't Federation use a sabotage-plot with the mutants?

A continuation of this question. In Statistical Probabilities episode Bashir works with a group of genetically engineered humans. At some point all of them (except Bashir) are trying to Why this so ...
trejder's user avatar
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How could Bashir (and Sisko) believe that mutants are correct?

In the Deep Space Nine episode Statistical Probabilities, Bashir works with a group of genetically engineered humans. At some point they all come to the conclusion that Bashir and the other mutants ...
trejder's user avatar
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How do the Dominion members regard the Prophets?

I'm mainly interested in the Founders, but also the Breen, Vorta, and Jem'Hadar. Do they consider them to be mythical? Impressive? Not worth their attention?
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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Why were the Romulans so blase about the Dominion after it gained a foothold in the Alpha Quadrant?

Early on in season three the Romulans seemed to consider the Dominion a threat even though they were still on the other side of the wormhole, as shown by their actions in the following episodes: The ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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Why does a Vorta claim to be a Founder in "The Search" Part 2?

In DS9 Season 3, Episode 2 "The Search" Part 2, we hear the following dialogue: BORATH: Commander Sisko, come in. I've looked forward to meeting you. I am Borath. SISKO: And you're one of ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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During the Dominion War, why do they keep saying the entire quadrant is at stake?

Why do they always say the entire quadrant is at stake, when obviously the entire Federation combined with the Romulans, the Klingons, the Cardassians, the Breen, and the Ferengi is still a small ...
Darren's user avatar
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How did Odo give it to the founders in the Gamma quadrant?

Towards the end of the Dominion War, the founders and the Great Link become and from that point the wormhole was impassable to the Dominion (due to the mines and then the wormhole prophets), so how ...
user69715's user avatar
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How could destroying the entire power relay system render Earth completely defenseless?

Near the end of Homefront episode, we learn that (probably) changeling spies have destroyed entire Earth's power relay system, and that has rendered Earth virtually defenseless. How is this possible? ...
trejder's user avatar
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Would it really matter if Odo had never contacted The Great Link?

Close to the end of the Homefront episode, we hear captain Sisko say that it would have been much better if Odo had never found The Great Link and other changelings. Odo agrees. How could that be true?...
trejder's user avatar
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How did changelings learn who killed one of them?

In the middle of Homefront, we hear that the Changelings know that (in the earlier episode The Adversary). How it this possible? How could this information reach The Great Link? From our perspective (...
trejder's user avatar
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What was the command relationship between Captain Sisko and General Martok in DS9?

In the Season 5, Episode 26 (''Call to Arms''), we see Captain Sisko communicating with General Martok in these kinds of tone: General Martok, take a defensive position near the Defiant. They have to ...
user69715's user avatar
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At the beginning of DS9 Season 6, under what justification did the Dominion occupy DS9? [duplicate]

At the beginning of DS9 Season 6, the Dominion (including the Jem Ha'dar and the Cardassians) took DS9. At this time Bajor was neutral and in a non-aggression treaty with the Dominion. How was this ...
user69715's user avatar
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Star Trek DS9 Shape-Shifters - anti-shape-shifting device

In the Star Trek DS9 episode 'The Die is Cast' (S3E21) Garak used a torture device against Odo which prevents him from changing form, including changing into a liquid state. Since such technology's ...
NickJ's user avatar
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What are the established ways which can or cannot harm a Changeling?

Obviously Star Trek changelings are quite robust. I know the answers to some of these, but I'll just leave it to someone to provide a complete answer. To harm means to kill or to do damage to a ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
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Do we know if the Prometheus Class was involved in the Dominion War?

Is there any mention of what happened to the Prometheus class warships as depicted in the Voyager episode "Message in a Bottle" and whether they were used in the Dominion War? Based on the ...
Jorge Córdoba's user avatar
12 votes
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After the DS9 finale what happens to the Jem'hadar and what assurances do the Federation have that the Dominion won't attack again?

ST Deep Space Nine "What You Leave Behind": ODO: All I ask is that you Link with me. GARAK: I'm warning you, Odo. ODO: Nerys. KIRA: Garak, put down your weapon. GARAK: I don'...
JMFB's user avatar
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When in production was the Changeling story arc determined?

Entire question is spoilers. At the beginning of DS9, Odo's origin is unknown and he's the only known member of his race. Very mysterious. When were these ideas determined during production?
ThePopMachine's user avatar
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Why didn't they have multiple vorta clones activated at once?

Why wouldn't the dominion use all the tools they developed? Having 5 Weyouns is better than one.
Thales of Mars's user avatar
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Do we ever learn why there was a delay in symptoms of the disease in Odo?

DS9 "When it pours..." BASHIR [on monitor]: I was running a scan on the sample you left when I noticed something unusual. ODO: Unusual in what way? BASHIR [on monitor]: The disease ...
JMFB's user avatar
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Why is the Dominion considered the Alpha Quadrant's biggest threat?

In 3x17 - Visionary, the Romulan delegate mentions that the Dominion are the biggest threat to the Alpha quadrant - how so? The Romulans are certainly also aware of the Borg, and at least until this ...
Zommuter's user avatar
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Borg Nanoprobes and shapeshifters/changelings [duplicate]

This question is mainly about if there was any canon occasion when the Borg tried to infect a founder/shapeshifter with nanoprobes and if there was, what was the result. If it did not occur, I'm also ...
mg30rg's user avatar
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Do we ever find out what happened to Dr. Giger or The Cellular Regeneration and Entertainment Chamber after the DS9 episode "In the Cards?"

DS9 "In the Cards": GIGER: Doctor Bathkin of Andros Three was the first to come up with the answer to solving the puzzle of death. Keep the cells energised. Keep them in the game by teaching ...
JMFB's user avatar
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How exactly did the prisoners escape the Jem'hadar prisoner camp?

DS9 "By Inferno's Light": MARTOK: He wired the message and the transmission coordinates directly into the system circuitry. That way all he had to do was connect the transmitter to the power ...
JMFB's user avatar
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How does the baby changeling transfer itself into Odo?

After reading my question if there's an obvious answer in a later episode, then just let me know and I'll delete my question. DS9 "Begotten": QUARK: A Yridian I've been dealing with sold me ...
JMFB's user avatar
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How is Odo able to establish a link with solids or is he linked to the great link somehow and they are manipulating the situation?

There is a similar question here that was closed for some reason as being opinion based. My question is not a general question about whether or not the Founders are able to establish a telepathic link ...
JMFB's user avatar
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Why weren't the Sovereign-class vessels used in Dominion War battles?

While not strictly military (according to the designers Eaves and Sternbach, they were not "escort" vessels, more like "sports car heavy cruiser"), and usually used for diplomacy and exploration, ...
Petersaber's user avatar
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How did Dukat contact the founders about joining the Dominion?

As far as I know Dukat never traveled to the gamma quadrant through the wormhole, so how did he reach them to present his offer for Cardassia to join the Dominion?
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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Were the Dominion aware of the Borg?

Are there any canon sources which indicate that the Dominion was aware of the Borg? If so, do those sources indicate what the Dominion planned to do about them? I find it hard to believe that they ...
Jim2B's user avatar
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Why do people risk death by joining Starfleet if not for money or preservation of their homes?

Watching Star Trek made me think of a few "deeper" questions about Starfleet, which are all related to the Star Trek TV series. So, let's take for example the Dominion War: people are dying every ...
Emissarry's user avatar
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How many Starships did the Federation lose during the Dominion War?

Is there any record of how many starships the Federation lost in battle with the Dominion forces during the war?
Boelabaal's user avatar
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Why addict the Jem'Hadar to Ketracel White?

One of the few things that bothers me about the Dominion arc in Deep Space Nine is the Jem'Hadar. I enjoy the concept but I don't understand why they would be genetically addicted to Ketracel White (...
geewhiz's user avatar
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What word describes organisations like the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Dominion in Star Trek?

There are many territorial areas and governmental bodies in Star Trek: The United Federation of Planets The Klingon Empire The Romulan Empire The Ferengi Alliance The Dominion and probably a host of ...
jpmc26's user avatar
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Was the Defiant escorted back out of Dominion space in "Broken Link"?

In the episode "Broken Link," Odo needs to go to the Great Link to be cured. However, having been attacked by the joint Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order fleet, the Founders have relocated and don't want ...
geewhiz's user avatar
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Why did Bajor allow the Cardassians to retake DS9?

In "A Call to Arms" (DS9, episode 5x26), it is made clear that the Dominion has a non-aggression pact with Bajor, which would prevent the Cardassians from retaking Bajor. However, since DS9 is under ...
Sarke's user avatar
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Where was Amanda Rogers during the Dominion War?

At the end of "True Q," Amanda Rogers uses her powers to reverse a catastrophe that would destroy all of Tagra IV. She says that she "couldn't let all those people die." If Amanda was so concerned ...
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Shouldn't the Federation have apologized to the Dominion?

Context: At the end of DS9 Season 2, a Jem'Hadar directly tells Sisko: "The Dominion will no longer stand by and allow ships from your side to violate our territory." Question: Isn't the Dominion'...
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