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Questions tagged [star-wars-legends]

For questions about works in the Star Wars universe which are not canon, such as what was formerly known as the Expanded Universe. Use this tag if your question references Legends sources and/or to indicate that answers are permitted to use Legends sources. Always use this tag in conjunction with the [star-wars] tag and any relevant work tags.

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Is there a possible in-universe reason why lightsaber strikes don't flash-boil the victim?

It was established in official canon that lightsaber blades are NOT made of light and are instead plasma contained in a strong magnetic field. This is actually possible to do in real life and ...
Rob's user avatar
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What is the difference between ion weapons and EMP weapons in Star Wars?

Star Wars originally established that the weapons used to disable the electronic systems of droids and (on a larger scale) starships were called ion weapons, presumably working by shooting a stream of ...
Rob's user avatar
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Was the Battle of Coruscant meant to be the last battle of the Clone Wars?

The Battle of Coruscant wasn't the last battle of the Clone Wars, but multiple factors indicate to me that it was meant to be. The two main leaders of the Separatist army, Count Dooku and General ...
Donatello Swansino's user avatar
4 votes
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How many times did Vader and Obi-Wan fight post Revenge of The Sith?

In the original Star Wars (1977), Darth Vader says to Obi-Wan Kenobi: "I was but a learner, now I am the master" about their last fight that was presumably the one which took place on ...
user10191234's user avatar
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Is there a minimum midi-chlorian count needed to live?

Is there any information, whether Legends or Canon, that gives a minimum midi-chlorian count possible?
Dave's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Looking for a Star Wars Legends novel where Gamorreans were used as guinea pigs

I remember reading a Star Wars Legends story in the late 1990s/early 2000s where Gamorreans were used as guinea pigs. They were imprisoned in a lab (I believe it was inside a dungeon), and one or more ...
Bingo's user avatar
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Was it ever shown or explained how intelligent underwater species in the Star Wars galaxy developed technology?

There are a huge bunch of species that originated underwater in the Star Wars galaxy. My question was: How did they become technologically advanced if they couldn't invent fire? I did some digging and ...
Jack's user avatar
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Has Jason Fry publicly discussed the links between his short story Rendezvous Point and the Star Wars X-Wing series?

Jason Fry wrote a short story titled Rendezvous Point in the short story collection The Empire Strikes Back : From a Certain Point of View. This story cover Wedge Antilles reforming an X-Wing squadron ...
A.Steer's user avatar
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How did Luke's X-wing and the Millennium Falcon avoid Tatooine's Imperial blockade in order to rescue frozen Han?

In Legends junior novel Star Wars Trilogy: Return of the Jedi written by Ryder Windham, we learn that following Darth Vader's failure to capture Luke Skywalker at Bespin, a blockade of Tatooine was ...
Bingo's user avatar
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Did the second Death Star have Interdiction capability?

Interdictor cruisers, cruisers that generate gravity wells to prevent ships from escaping, are shown in canon and Legends. While the technology wasn't ready while the first Death Star was done (it ...
CBredlow's user avatar
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Why was there so little traffic to Alderaan?

Is there any canon, or even Legends reason to explain why such an important core world like Alderaan had so little traffic to it before it was destroyed? Did the Empire broadcast out barring ships ...
CBredlow's user avatar
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What is the overlap between Star Wars canon and Legends? [closed]

After Disney established a new canon for Star Wars, I've found it relatively easy to determine what is and is not canon, but I've found it a bit more difficult to do so for Legends after the fact, ...
bgeorge's user avatar
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Has there ever been a depiction of a futurist in Star Wars Legends or Canon?

I love futurism and even though Star Wars is more science-fantasy than sci-fi; they DO have technology and science and scientists are often featured in various stories. Philosophers are also mentioned....
Max's user avatar
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Looking for a picture of Fixer's sandsurfer hover device

According to Star Wars Legends, in Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi, Second Edition 1995, Luke Skywalker tells to Voren Na'al a tale about his friend Laze "Fixer" Loneozner, a skilled ...
Bingo's user avatar
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How do Midi-chlorians communicate with the Jedi?

In wookiepedia it states that Midi-chlorians communicate the will of the force to the Jedi, so how do they get the information that the Midi-chlorians send to them?
Clone cyborg commando's user avatar
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Can you kill Midi-chlorians?

Could you kill the Midi-chlorians in someone to make them lose their Force sensitivity?
Clone cyborg commando's user avatar
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What happens to the Midi-chlorians when a Jedi or person dies?

What happens to the Midi-chlorians when a person dies? In Star Wars the Midi-chlorians are alive, but do they need a host or do they die with the being?
Clone cyborg commando's user avatar
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Where did the idea of Coruscant being in the center of the galaxy first appear?

I'm re-reading Heir to the Empire (1991) in its 2011 annotated edition, which has footnotes from author Timothy Zahn about ideas he'd come up with for the book, and whether or not they fit with later ...
Milo P's user avatar
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Are there any known Pre-Shmi Skywalkers? [duplicate]

It’s a common complaint to say that Star Wars as a franchise is all about a single family, but as far as I am aware the Skywalker family “starts” with Shmi Skywalker, who has no known siblings or ...
Ben Murphy's user avatar
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Why does Luke have a blue lightsaber post-ROTJ in some early Legends works?

In several different early Expanded Universe works set after Return of the Jedi, Luke is shown or said to use a blue-bladed lightsaber: Luke whipped out his lightsaber, and its brilliant blue glow ...
Milo P's user avatar
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3 answers

Had this version of the Jedi knighting ceremony appeared before the 2D Clone Wars series?

Near the beginning of Season 3 of the 2D Clone Wars series, Anakin is knighted onscreen: YODA: Step forward, Padawan. Anakin Skywalker. By the right of the Council, ...
Milo P's user avatar
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Was cortosis-weave introduced in 2000 or 2002?

While amending my answer to Why didn't the Clones use vibroblades to fight against lightsabers?, I came upon what seemed like an inconsistency in the Wookieepedia article for cortosis-weave. Star ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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How did Luke get back to Echo Base after crashing?

During the Battle of Hoth, Luke's speeder crashes and is then crushed by an AT-AT. Later, he is seen flying out of Hoth in an X-Wing. Is there any explanation about how he got back to Echo Base? ...
CBredlow's user avatar
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Has there ever been an example in the Star Wars Expanded Universe where a new tech was introduced that is obsolete to the real world? [closed]

I’m trying to think of something in the EU that the galaxy thinks is high-tech/advanced/new that is completely obsolete now in 2023. This is built on my belief that much of Star Wars “primitive” tech ...
Max's user avatar
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If The Father is required to get into Mortis, does that mean that the New Jedi Order’s quest for Mortis is doomed?

In the Clones Wars Episode “Ghosts of Mortis”, Obi-Wan Kenobi asks The Father that if they were not meant to interfere, then why did The Father bring them to Mortis? That seems to imply (at least to ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

What factors led to Disney retconning Star Wars Legends in favor of the new Disney Canon?

The Star Wars Expanded Universe is the culmination of decades of work with thousands of new characters and a multitude of plotlines, cultures and worlds, and which has been approved by LucasFilm via ...
Twilight Sparkle's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the number 27 in Fives’ CT number?

CT-27-5555 -- AKA “Fives” -- has the numbers 27 and 5555 in his CT number, unlike Rex, Cody, Gree, and the rest of Domino Squadron (barring Droidbait). Droidbait’s CT number is CT-00-2010 and Fox’s is ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
8 votes
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Do Star Wars characters ever read for entertainment?

In the Star Wars universe, it seems there is a multitude of myths and fables passed down by oral tradition. We also know books exist, such as the Jedi texts in The Last Jedi, but the ones in that ...
dez's user avatar
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What is the RotS Yuuzhan Vong quote?

I’ve seen it be referenced several times on this website, and despite reading my copy of Revenge of the Sith, couldn’t find it. Edit: My copy of the book is Scholastic, written by Patricia C. Wrede “...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
6 votes
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Who owns the Star Wars Legends books?

Hypothetically, say I wanted to make a movie version of the Heir to the Empire series, would Disney be the one who owns the material and I would need to get permission from them or would I go to ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
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In Maul Lockdown by Joe Schreiber, how did Maul know his opponent used an amphistaff?

Given that at that point in time, the Yuuzhan Vong hadn’t attacked yet, and that the amphistaff is the signiture weapon of the Yuuzhan Vong, how would Maul have known the weapon was an amphistaff?
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
5 votes
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What species is this orc in Star Wars?

This brute shows up in Legends Star Wars: Republic: Emissaries to Malastare and I could never find the name of his species.
Joshua Bucholz's user avatar
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How did The Ones make the Killiks Force-sensitive?

In the Fate of the Jedi series, the Killiks mentioned that The Ones joined the hive mind and then left it, taking all their powers with them. When they joined, they had granted the Force-sensitivity ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
4 votes
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How does the Skywalker line get from Luke to Cade?

Essentially, Luke gives the Jedi Grandmaster title to Ben Skywalker at the end of Crucible. Then at 135(ish) ABY, Cade Skywalker is mentioned in the comics. Is there a family tree or something to show ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
5 votes
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Lightsabers with extendable hilts

Are there any examples (preferably in canon but Legends is also acceptable) of a lightsaber featuring an extending hilt? What I'm looking for is perhaps some kind of telescoping mechanism such that ...
Psycrow's user avatar
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Why are Starweirds invulnerable to everything short of Force based attacks?

Link to my question on how do Starweirds survive the vacuum of space and enter ships in hyperspace? According to the various sources I’ve read, the Starweirds seek out and kill force-sensitives first, ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
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How do Starweirds survive the vacuum of space and enter ships in hyperspace?

I was looking up strange Star Wars creatures and came across Starweirds. All the info I have been able to appear in hyperspace or in the vacuum of space (specifically Deep Space). They seem to be ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
0 votes
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What metals/materials can't a lightsaber cut through? [duplicate]

We know a lightsaber can't cut through everything in the Star Wars universe, but I would like to know all known metals/materials that a lightsaber can't cut through (in the sense can't cut in two ...
shanu's user avatar
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What is the most accurate depiction of the StealthX X-Wing?

I'm creating a Lego model based off of it, and wish to know what is the most accurate depiction in art, games, or videos. I've been going off this picture so far since it's the most detailed, but I ...
Mahmoud Salaheddine's user avatar
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How does the lightsaber rifle work (in universe)?

From what limited things I’ve seen on the internet, the lightsaber rifle consumes lightsabers as ammunition. I don’t know exactly which comics it’s in, but I know Jocasta Nu uses it against Vader, but ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
6 votes
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Why are Star Destroyers all triangle shaped?

I get that they would be aerodynamic in-atmosphere, but so would cigar shaped or pyramidal shaped ones. Is is a rule of cool thing? Preferable to cite some Star Wars reference. Legend/Cannon doesn’t ...
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
7 votes
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Did Obi-Wan Kenobi know how to destroy the Death Star without the help of the stolen plans?

At the end of Star Wars: A New Hope, the Rebel Alliance, with the help of the stolen plans of the Death Star and an accurate proton torpedo shot from Luke Skywalker's X-wing guided by the Force, ...
Bingo's user avatar
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Is Chief Okko still trapped?

Recall in Star Wars: Empire’s End issue 1, the Emperor blows a gasket when the initial firing of the Galaxy Gun does not go as planned. This in turn reveals his fraught deteriorating condition of his ...
Silly but True's user avatar
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Whatever did happen to Jabba the “Hut”?

From Marvel Comics’ web article, “Star Wars: The Unexpected Story of the Wrong Jabba the Hutt” Yes, that’s the way it was spelled in the issue (whether a Marvel mistake or the Star Wars gang still ...
Silly but True's user avatar
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By the Immortal Gods of the Sith! Was Darth Vader being literal?

In “The Final Chapter,” Marvel Comics’ adaptation of Star Wars (1977), issue no. 6, we are given the scene during the final Death Star trench run: The film gives an abbreviated version of Darth Vader’...
Silly but True's user avatar
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Has Han Solo ever been Force-Sensitive/a Jedi?

In the Star Wars comic Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back, Luke Skywalker dies on Hoth, but not before telling Han to go to Dagobah and become a Jedi. Han takes his dead friend's word to heart and ...
LongLiveTheJedi's user avatar
12 votes
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How many different times total has Boba Fett escaped the Sarlacc in any official story?

In the newest Book of Boba Fett trailer, “Message,” released November 29, 2021, we are shown Boba Fett being healed (0:10s). It appears that many entertainment news media are reporting this healing ...
Silly but True's user avatar
-10 votes
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Did Jacen Solo maintain his Vong-groomed “Shaven Wookiee / Telly Savalas?”

In Balance Point: Star Wars: The New Jedi Order Book 6, beyond some interesting foreshadowing about Jacen, we learn that hairlessness provides advantages in certain tactical instances such as ...
Silly but True's user avatar
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Did Sheev Palpatine have the power to cloud the minds of the Jedi when he was a young boy?

I am wondering if Sheev Palpatine had always had the ability to mask his Force abilities and cloud the minds of the Jedi, even as far back when he was just a young boy. Did Sheev Palpatine have the ...
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6 votes
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Where does the original Droids animated series fit into the pre-Disney canon/chronology?

Before Disney took over the Star Wars franchise, where was the Droids animated series placed in the chronology, is there a canonical date for it, and which events/media (book/film/games, etc.) came ...
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