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Questions tagged [supernatural]

Use this tag for questions about "Supernatural", an American TV series (2005-2020) about Sam and Dean, two brothers who follow in their father's footsteps by hunting demons and other supernatural beings.

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How did Azazel find out that Dean is one of the baby mediums

In Supernatural, season 4, episode 3, when Cas sends Dean to 1973, Azazel (the demon in Samuel Campbell's body), talking to Dean, said "if you're Mary's son, then you're one of my baby mediums&...
Chriis's user avatar
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YA novel about a male character who discovers he is the son of Lucifer/Satan

This wasn't my question at first, but I'm intrigued about the series, so I'm asking for this person and myself. There are at least 5 books in the series, and the 5th one was released in 2018. There ...
Ryan Carpenter's user avatar
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Manga/graphic novel where a girl is cursed and has to enter the memories of spirits to save them

Some 8 years ago I read some manga volumes in a very distinct style. Some words I think describe the style best is gothic and steampunk. It was in black and white but I vaguely remember the covers ...
Envy M's user avatar
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Name of Supernatural episode with evil car/GPS?

I remember watching this Supernatural episode like back in 2015-2016. All I remember about it was that it had an evil GPS or maybe car, and it locked a victim in the car and the GPS then displayed 666 ...
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
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How was Sam able to endure Lucifer's Cage for 160 years when Dean broke after 40 years?

Dean goes to Hell after a deal he made to save Sam. Dean spends 4 months there in Earth time, which equates to 40 years in Hell. Sam also goes to Hell, but he ends up in Lucifer's Cage for 16 months ...
Chuck's user avatar
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In Supernatural, why don't the angels always use their true forms?

I just finished Season 5 of Supernatural and one thing was bothering me. Why don't the angels like Lucifer use their true forms on earth? His goal is basically the eradication of the human species on ...
Daremitsu's user avatar
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How does Jack Kline's power absorption work?

Jack Kline can suck divine energy from other beings. He steals God's power (and Amara's, since she was part of God). How does this make him stronger? Superpowers aren't physical things that you can ...
King Got Checkmated's user avatar
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A manhwa that the female lead had her soul infused with another body so she can have revenge on the people that betrayed her

From what I remember the female lead met the emperor when they were young and they were friends. As time went she killed for him so he could ascend the throne and she fell in love with him. When he ...
Jazmine's user avatar
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In "Supernatural," why does Sam not kill Ruby?

Why doesn't Sam kill Ruby when he had the chance? I mean she lied to him, she's a demon. Sam and Dean hunt demons why?
hilol's user avatar
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Who Survived In The Supernatural Series Finale and who not?

I hope the question is broad enough not to be considered a spoiler. Obviously the concrete question is a huge spoiler:
Hothie's user avatar
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80's movie involving supernatural beings, possibly witchcraft

Decades ago I went to a double-feature and I only remember the name of the 1st movie, Phantasm. This had to be around 1979/1980 when Phantasm was released. The other movie though, I can't recall the ...
not-quite-a-movie-buff's user avatar
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Series of children’s books with supernatural storylines

I have been trying for years to remember the name of this series of books that I remember from my primary school in the late 90s. They were a series of books that were designed to develop reading ...
Arran B's user avatar
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TV show episode about a spirit ripping out organs

I remember watching an episode of what I think was a TV show. I think it may have been Supernatural, but I do not know for sure. The episode was about several people dying due to having had some vital ...
user73910's user avatar
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A manga about a dude who kills a dog with car and levels up [duplicate]

He then gets to pick a job and gets assassin, later ninja. He finds a Shiba outside that he used to feed and gives her the magic stone that he got from the wolf. he then learns that his Shiba can use ...
TsunamiDragonL's user avatar
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Why Sam was about to correct Dean about his “sitting shiva” comment?

Season 8, episode 16, “Remember the Titans,” at 12:38 Dean: "I feel like I am sitting shiva.” Sam: "That's not…. Never mind.” Every other time in the series that Sam was about to object to ...
jimjim's user avatar
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Looking for a Manga/Manhwa leaves his world and goes to a world where he has powers

I don't remember the title, but the details I can go into. The MC is approached by this woman and he gets flashbacks like he met her before. He is transported to this different world and everyone is ...
abron lewis's user avatar
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Minimalist Satirical Online Comic with Dots for Characters of Gods and Demons

I've googled several times over many months and can't seem to find the comic again. I read some of it about a year ago online. It featured God (abrahamic) as a black dot with Satan/Lucifer as a red ...
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Comic book short story about man trying to escape Hades

It is a story from a comic book that had to be published before 1967. I remember a splash page which shows, in a bird's eye view, a bespectacled man climbing a sheer, rocky cliff face with a trail of ...
Rex Eric Engstrom's user avatar
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Why couldn't Jack use his powers to bring this person back?

In season 14 episode 18, Jack has killed He goes through lengths to get Why couldn't Jack have just used his powers directly to reconstruct this person's body on a subatomic level, and then ...
83457's user avatar
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Is there a consistent moral message in Supernatural?

We know that the heroes Sam and Dean are in fact criminals. They have no income, steal money, cars, credit cards, impersonate FBI agents and so on. This all can be ignored (by most people's moral ...
Hothie's user avatar
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How is Nick still alive?

This question is about the story as shown in Supernatural Season 14. We know that Castiel's vessel Jimmy Novak died when Castiel was killed the first time. Castiel also mentions this a few times ...
Ishita Sinha's user avatar
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Why is Kevin in season 9 handled off screen in most episodes?

Kevin is a recurring character in season 9. Unlike previous seasons the winchesters have a kind of "home base" in this season where they live and Kevin lives with them there and tries to translate ...
Hothie's user avatar
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Do Archangels need an Archangel blade to kill another Archangel?

In Season 13 episode 23, a super-charged Lucifer says to Dean/Michael: But in Season 5, there was the whole threat of a Lucifer vs Michael fight causing global collateral damage, with Michael ...
Logan545's user avatar
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Did lower tier angels know that God had left heaven?

In season 4x01, Castiel tells Dean that it was God who commanded that he be rescued from hell. We know that God had left heaven a long time ago; So were lower tier angels like Castiel under the ...
Logan545's user avatar
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Why didn't Castiel smite the vampires in Season 13 episode 21?

In Season 13 Episode 21, the gang goes up against vampires in the alternate world. It's basically up to Sam and Dean to take care of them while Gabriel and Castiel remain in the background. While ...
Logan545's user avatar
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Why are the Leviathans in Supernatural humans?

I understand that they didn't have the budget to make a bunch of massive creatures for the boys to fight, but is that the only reason? Maybe the budget? Maybe the fact it had to be a realistic fight ...
Khaos's user avatar
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What are Gog and Magog?

In the Season 13 episode, Good Intentions, Dean and Castiel face off against Gog and Magog. Unlike other biblical figures (Nephilim, Cain etc), the origin of this pair is questionable. They are ...
geewhiz's user avatar
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Is there an in-universe explanation for meatsuits in Heaven?

Earlier on in the series Supernatural, Castiel implies that when angels fly to Heaven, they exist as "celestial wavelengths" (a pure energy form). But in later seasons when it became part of the plot ...
WakeDemons3's user avatar
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Will an anti possession tattoo trap or expel a demon?

(I have just reached season 8, so please no spoilers) I was wondering what would happen if a person gets the anti possession tattoo while being possessed, will the demon be trapped or expelled? Of ...
Sharry's user avatar
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Is Jesus Christ ever mentioned in Supernatural?

From what religious perspective is Supernatural aproached? I've seen god, Lucifer, darkness (Amara), angels, demons... pretty much all levels from heaven to hell. Is Jesus ever mentioned? If he does ...
Zeerochuy's user avatar
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How did God resurrect Castiel if he has no power of the Empty?

We know Chuck/God has resurrected Castiel on three occasions: when he was killed by Raphael in Season 4 (off screen), killed by Luficer (season 5), and when the Leviathans killed him after escaping ...
Logan545's user avatar
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The contract between Crowley and Dick

Spoilers ahead for Season 7 Finale: After going through an extensive contract, the deal is struck between Crowley and Dick for Crowley to give the Winchesters the wrong blood.
AidanO's user avatar
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How much of The French Mistake was based on fact?

In the Supernatural episode "The French Mistake" (S6E15), Sam and Dean are zapped into our universe, wherein they are really Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, actors playing Sam and Dean Winchester ...
Dave Johnson's user avatar
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Why doesn't Castiel get his wings back? [duplicate]

In Supernatural, Castiel is tricked into giving up his Grace, the source of his Angelic powers, including his wings, and falls from heaven. In the process he loses those wings. The same thing (or a ...
albusseverus potter's user avatar
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What inspired Supernatural's 'The Colt' and Wynonna Earp's 'Peacemaker'? [closed]

In Reverse Chronological Order: In Syfy's Wynonna Earp, the main character wields a demon-killing Colt Buntline Special dubbed 'Peacemaker'. 1 In CW's Supernatural, the main characters and assorted ...
KareemElashmawy's user avatar
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Is this character dead in Supernatural?

At the end of Season 10, The question I have is:
Matt R's user avatar
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Did Dagon kill the two angels with her bare hands?

In Supernatural season 12 episode 13- Family Feud- we see Dagon kill two angels. However, it didn't seem clear to me whether she was holding something in her hand when she killed the two angels, or ...
Logan545's user avatar
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Supernatural monster's souls

Does it not seem like a huge design flaw that a monster's soul is purgatory-bound regardless of the content of that monster's character? Say I were accidentally bitten by a werewolf, then lived my ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is God from Supernatural immortal post season 10?

If, as Death states, that Death will be the one to reap God, then why was God on the verge of dying at the end of season 11? The process of him dying doesn't make sense if it seemed to be implied that ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why do demons in Supernatural show the true colour of their eyes?

As established in the question Why did Yellow Eyes have yellow eyes? demons have different eye colours in Supernatural, based on the type of demon they are. However, most of the time they walk ...
lukasbrchel's user avatar
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Why hasn't the wider world realised the supernatural in Supernatural?

America has a very big problem with the supernatural. There seems to be always a case to investigate , and I don't understand how the wider world could still be oblivious that something weird is going ...
Logan545's user avatar
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Supernatural: Why do Sam & Dean pursue Abaddon, etc?

Okay, so here's the thing: Sam and Dean know the entire process to close the gates of Hell and banish all demons forever from the Material Plane/Earth/this Universe. In fact, they even start season 9 ...
user75004's user avatar
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Could a Djinn be killed by a silver bullet dipped in lamb’s blood?

Given that Crowley made bullets from a melted down angel blade, it would imply that killing creatures with knives is less about the knife and more about the penetration and death. By that logic, ...
Dylan Lawrence's user avatar
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If God created the earth in Supernatural what about the pagan gods?

If God AKA Chuck created the earth then why in Hammer of the Gods do the pagan gods say that "you westerners think the earth is yours" and that "they" were there first? Surely if God, AKA Chuck, ...
daniel's user avatar
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Can angels smite each other in Supernatural?

I have never seen regular angels smiting each other, although we know Rit Zien could do such thing as a healer angel, all regular angels and even archangels used their blades to kill their brothers (...
ShellRox's user avatar
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Why didn't Lucifer bring back Ruby?

So after Lucifer got out, I'm wondering why hasn't he bought Ruby back, since she is THE MAIN REASON for his freedom.
Dheeraj's user avatar
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Why did God-Cas seem more powerful than God or the Darkness?

When Castiel absorbed all of the souls of purgatory, he becomes pretty much invincible: An Archangel's blade doesn't work on him (Sam pick's up Raphael's blade, and after the season 5 episode "Hammer ...
Logan545's user avatar
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Government awareness of Supernatural threats and hunters

Within the universe of the TV show Supernatural, is there any awareness of the "things that go bump in the night" and those who hunt them by the government of the United States or the government of ...
pleurocoelus's user avatar
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How did Ava Wilson lock herself in that shed in Supernatural?

In the 21st episode of Season 2 of Supernatural, "All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1", Sam Winchester and all of the "psychic" children (including Ava, Jake, Lily, and, Andy) are all sent to an abandoned ...
Fox-Chan's user avatar
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In Supernatural were Leviathans created before Archangels or after Archangels?

In Supernatural so far according to my understanding first Leviathans were created by God(in possible hope to defeat Darkness) but then when God saw their destructiveness he casted and locked them ...
user2916886's user avatar