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Questions tagged [symbols]

A symbol is normally something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible, for example, the symbol of hands in Dickens' Great Expectations. Written language also uses symbols in the form of alphabets for example.

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-5 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of Book of Boba Fett’s Episode 1 title, “Stranger in a Strange Land?”

The Book of Boba Fett Episode 1 is titled, “Stranger in a Strange Land.” Sci-fi aficionados understand an association to Heinlein’s 1961 novel of that same title. The same people also understand the ...
Silly but True's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Fiat Voluntas Tua — Are Mrs. Grales & Rachel allegorical characters for Mary and Jesus?

In Walter M. Miller, Jr.’s A Canticle for Leibowitz, part III — Fiat Voluntas Tua — we jump 600 years into the future. The Leibowitz abbey still exists, and Abbot Zerchi and New Rome prepare a mission ...
Silly but True's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

What is the meaning of the woman and the baby in the film Stigmata?

In the 1999 film Stigmata, protagonist Frankie Paige looks out of the window and sees a weeping woman holding a baby. The woman lets the baby fall on the street which causes Frankie to run outside to ...
Aragorn Elessar's user avatar
1 vote
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Why could the point of origin not be discovered through a brute-force search? [duplicate]

An important part of the early plot of the original Stargate film is finding the "seventh symbol" - the "point of origin" that allows them to dial Abydos. The Air Force apparently already had ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
30 votes
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What is the Galactic Senate emblem meant to depict?

Most of the emblems used throughout Star Wars are abstract geometric symbols, often with a radial symmetry pattern. According to the answers to this question, they have a spiritual/religious origin. ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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What does David Dunn's street address (1842) refer to in Glass?

I just watched M. Night Shyamalan's science fiction thriller Glass for the first time yesterday. Then I watched it again today because I just had to. I loved every second and wished all the deleted ...
tgrignon's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

What Marvel character has this 'W' symbol?

My son got this shirt. It has six comics character's symbols on it; five of which I can identify: Spider-Man Captain America Iron Man Thor (???) Hulk Wolverine seems like he'd fit ...
kingledion's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can you dial Abydos address from Icarus base?

(Just assume that both Abydos and Icarus still exist (planets and their stargates).) Address of Abydos contains the Orion as the 6th symbol. P4X-351 (Icarus base) has the Orion as the point of ...
user109963's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What does the circular symbol mean that is worn by many men of the House of El?

If you look at images of members of the House of El (Jor-El, Zor-El, Zim-El), they all seem to have a circular symbol on their chest instead of the S symbol. Is this the symbol for Krypton or did they ...
Czes's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the meaning/history of Snake Eyes' right arm red symbol?

This is the symbol in red: █████ █████ ███████████ █████ █████ ███████████ █████ █████ ███████████ From Wikimedia:
Cesar Moore's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why fifteen stars on the 'Star Wars' New Republic Insignia?

Has any reason been given as to why specifically fifteen stars appear on the insignia of the New Republic in the Original Expanded Universe of Star Wars (pre-Disney)? The insignia/seal/symbol of the ...
5260452's user avatar
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13 votes
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What is the out-of-universe origin of the Rebel crest?

The Rebel crest was first seen in the Star Wars universe in the 1977 film Star Wars (A New Hope), at the very least it was on the rebel helmets. It has become part of Star Wars lore and has, in-...
Daniel B's user avatar
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1 answer

What does the symbol on the tank trooper helmet mean?

There is what looks like a headphones symbol (or even a rotated telephone symbol) on the tank trooper helmets from Rogue One. What are these symbols for / what do they mean?
RedCaio's user avatar
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Does the "protection symbol" in Harry Dresden "Birds Of A Feather" exist in some mythology?

Does the "protection symbol" (which Harry said it should protect from anything trying to harm the person) have any "real" origin in some mythology? It looks slightly similar to Nordic runes and also ...
Juhele's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Right foot symbolism in Pacific Rim

In Pacific Rim, there seems to be a recurrent motif of the right foot. First, Mako loses her right shoe when she is a child, and is shown running with only her left shoe. Her adoptive father, Stacker ...
Edelk's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

How was the Deathly Hallows symbol viewed within the Wizarding World?

In the Harry Potter universe, the Deathly Hallows were something coveted by Gellert Grindewald, who also had a strong "rule Muggles for their own good" ideology. Grindewald took the symbol used for ...
Skooba's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Why is the Gayatri mantra used the BSG opening theme? Are the Cylons or the Colonists Hindu?

I (recently) watched the Battlestar Galactica TV series. It is steeped in religion and religious themes - the dialog and thoughts of characters, the objective events taking place, and the Colonists' ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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12 votes
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What's the story behind this Rogue One symbol?

I've seen this symbol pop up a few times, each time claiming to have something to do with Rogue One, but I don't remember seeing it in the film. I tried researching and reverse-image-searching etc. ...
RedCaio's user avatar
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In 1984, is the political ideology Death Worship (Obliteration of Self) related to eastern religions/philosophies?

At some point In 1984 by George Orwell, O'Brien gives a copy of Emmanuel Goldstein's book to the protagonist Winston. In the book the official political ideology of the Eastasian Government is called ...
dgo's user avatar
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What is the significance of the art in "Children of Men"?

In the movie "Children of Men", Theo goes to see his cousin Nigel to ask a special favor. During the ride the King Crimson song "In the Court of the Crimson King" is heard, probably an allusion to ...
Cascabel_StandWithUkraine_'s user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Change of Fremen mourning color in Dune series

Recently, while re-reading the original Dune series for the umpteenth time, something caught my attention. In the first book green is the color of mourning among the Fremen: "Chani came down the ...
Kirsten Showers's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Symbols in Star Trek: Planet of Judgment book

I recently bought Planet of Judgment, a book in the Star Trek - The Original Series universe. It begins with Captain Kirk and the others (Bones, Spock, ...) getting stranded on a rogue planet and not ...
Noosrep's user avatar
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What did the German text in Metropolis say?

This question is about the 1927 film Metropolis. Since Metropolis may not be considered as sci-fi as other material discussed on this site, I can ask this on I had always wondered when ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

What does the cover art of Cursed Child mean?

If someone showed me this image a year ago, I never would have guessed it had anything to do with Harry Potter. I would've said it was a Christmas decoration; nothing about it strikes me as Harry ...
RedCaio's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Where are the cast and crew logos in Game of Thrones opening credits from?

For the Game of Thrones crew, what do the symbols next to their names mean? For example, Ramin Djawadi, Gemma Jackson, and GRRM have a symbol that looks like an NES controller d-pad, editor Martin ...
The Middler's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What seal does Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) use for his letters?

Petyr Baelish a.k.a Littlefinger comes from House Baelish whose sigil is "a grey stone head with fiery eyes, on a light green field". We also see he has crafted a mockingbirg to use as a personal ...
Skooba's user avatar
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15 votes
8 answers

Why did the Resistance use the Rebel symbol while the First Order didn't use the Empire's?

From Wookieepedia: The Rebel Alliance starbird was a symbol of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The flight helmets of the Rebel X-wing pilots were adorned with the starbird logo. Nearly thirty ...
RedCaio's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What do the markings on Obi-Wan's ship mean?

In Revenge of the Sith we catch a glimpse of some strange markings on the side of Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter. Do we know what they mean?
RedCaio's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why is Shepherd Book crushing a snake on the cover of Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale?

Have any of the writers or artists stated why Shepherd Book is stepping on a snake on the cover of Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale? There is no snake in the graphic novel. Is it a allusion to Book ...
Rogue Jedi's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is the Aquaman symbol an 'A'?

Most people know that the Superman symbol is not an S, it just happens to looks like one. (Related: Why was the Superman's symbol an *English* letter "S"?) Is the same true of the ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

What is this symbol in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker?

I was playing Wind Waker and saw this symbol on the grandmother's door: I haven't been able to find any information about it! Is this a unique symbol for this island, an alteration of another symbol, ...
RECXAGON's user avatar
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First popular illustrated hero with a prominent logo or distinct symbol on the character?

I think the mind immediately goes to Superman's shield, but I wonder if any other character's prominent symbol predates him? The Phantom might be a contender with his Death's-Head belt buckle and ...'s user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

What was the intended meaning/interpretation of the movie Labyrinth (1986)?

The movie Labyrinth seems to work on a variety of levels and I myself interpret it in different ways. Did the makers of the movie ever give out a statement or something similar, as to how they ...
Val Croft's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Symbology in the Lantern Corps emblems?

I'm curious about the symbology and meaning behind the various emblems of the Lantern Corps. As I understand it, the Green is by far the oldest (both in- and out-of-universe), while the others are ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
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What do Eagle Owls symbolize in Harry Potter?

The Malfoys have an Eagle Owl, and one is used to communicate between Voldemort and Crouch Jr. I really don't think it's the same owl, as the Malfoys were unlikely to be in contact with Voldemort at ...
Corvid's user avatar
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Why did Marlon Brando want the "S" to be the symbol of the "House of El"?

This is a follow on from a prior question, to get some details on the "S" symbol. Prior to the 1978 Superman movie the "S" Symbol had no fixed source. However, it is stated that 'it was Marlon ...
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11 votes
3 answers

In Neal Stephenson's "Anathem," is Cnoüs' statue a reference to Freemasonry?

In Part 2 ("Apert") of Anathem, Erasmas was guiding a tour and was explaining the story of a statue of Cnoüs: "The central sculpture was more than six thousand years old; it had been a world-...
Mr_Spock's user avatar
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What (if any) is the symbolism of the Bajoran emblem?

I've been watching DS9 a lot lately and I've noticed that the Bajorans use the Emblem of the Bajoran People extremely regularly. Aside from being a common design for jewelry and insignia, they're used ...
Nick Husher's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

meaning of The Hen by Lord Dunsany [closed]

It's clear that "The Hen" by Lord Dunsany is a parable about people who have traveled versus those who are stay-at-homes, but I can't quite put my finger on the complete explanation. Could someone ...
user16145's user avatar
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7 answers

What exactly do the eighth and ninth symbols in a stargate address represent?

In Stargate, we learn that seven symbols are needed for a stargate to activate and open a wormhole. The first six create a three dimensional axis that points to the destination at the center of the ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Uluru in Heroes

While Heroes may have gone downhill fast after its second season, the beginning had some great storytelling, often with some augmented reality elements connecting the show to some of the out-of-show ...
B. Elliott's user avatar
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What is the meaning of The Hunger Games' golden bird?

Everytime time media need an image about the Hunger Games, they use this golden bird What is the significance of this bird?
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