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The Dark Knight is a critically-acclaimed 2008 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan. It is a sequel to 2005's Batman Begins and chronicles the rise of the Joker. The film takes its name from a common moniker for Batman, used often in the associated DC Comics comic books.

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55 votes
4 answers

What happened to the Joker in The Dark Knight Rises?

By the end of The Dark Knight (2008), the Joker's fate is left open. Yes, he was arrested, but he is still alive. His fate is never completely explained. More precisely, in The Dark Knight Rises (2012)...
DavRob60's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

In the Dark Knight, why did Batman choose to save Harvey Dent, rather than Rachel Dawes?

In Nolan's The Dark Knight, when the Joker kidnapped Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes and trapped them in a weird oil drum showroom: Why did Batman tell Gordon that he was going to save Rachel and they ...
Deiknymi's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Does Lucius Fox reveal Batman's identity in The Dark Knight?

There is this scene in The Dark Knight where Coleman Reese tries to blackmail Lucius Fox with some blueprints of the Tumbler and some off-the-books activities he has discovered. Fox then replies: ...
Koldito's user avatar
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8 answers

Did the Joker mislead Batman, or was the Joker himself ignorant of the facts?

In The Dark Knight the Joker kidnaps Rachel and Harvey Dent. He then tells Batman he'll need to choose who to save, and gives him two address: He's at 250 52nd Boulevard. And she's on Avenue X at ...
Xantec's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Why does Batman have to take the fall?

The end of the Dark Knight leaves Why does Batman need to be the one? By this point, the Joker is in custody and has been known (both to viewers and the police) to use henchmen. No one would believe ...
phantom42's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

What is the meaning of this conversation between Lucius Fox and Bruce Wayne in Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight"?

There is a scene (that I can't find) where Fox and Wayne were talking about something in the hideout, and the local translation doesn't make much sense, so I'm wondering what they said. The scene is ...
riccs_0x's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the purpose of ballistics tests in The Dark Knight?

In The Dark Knight, Batman removes a section a brick wall that contains a bullet. He takes it back to run some ballistics tests. What are the reasons for the series of tests run here? Is the bullet ...
spong's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

What is the time frame for Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises?

In The Dark Knight Rises it is made clear that it is eight years on from the fallout of The Dark Knight, and Batman Begins was at least a year before The Dark Knight, so what year was each movie based ...
Popeye's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How plausible is Harvey/Two-Face's condition? [closed]

One of the many praises for Nolan's Batman world is how grounded and realistic it is. But then we have Harvey's condition after he becomes Two-Face. The explosion leaves half of his face with exposed ...
phantom42's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

How, precisely, does the Joker dispatch Gambol in The Dark Knight?

In the (otherwise uber-awesome) Dark Knight, the Joker gets the draw on Gambol, a mobster portrayed by (the also uber-awesome) Michael Jai White. The Joker has a knife in his mouth, tells him a scary ...
Chris B. Behrens's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Is the guy with the shotgun at the start of Dark Knight a regular comic character?

I know the bank is mob owned, but is the manager of the bank a named character from the Batman comics? This is the character I am referring to:
Seth Hikari's user avatar
18 votes
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In The Dark Knight, what happened to all the bank robbers?

The opening scene of The Dark Knight shows a bank robbery being perpetrated by a gang hired by the Joker. It transpires that they are all supposed to kill each other, with presumably each of them ...
Darren's user avatar
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Nolan's Dark Knight: Why would Dent's convictions be overturned?

In The Dark Knight, when Batman interrupts (what would probably have ended in) Dent killing Thomas Schiff, Batman tells Dent that if people saw him doing this, then all of the criminals he'd locked up ...
Brian Warshaw's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

What would have happened if Gothamites on one of the ferries had pressed the detonator

What would have happened if Gothamites on one of the ferries had pressed the detonator before the other? The question might look trivial but considering the vile, twisted and sharp witted mind of the ...
KharoBangdo's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Did the Joker ever refer to himself as the Joker?

In The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger played the Joker. But did his character ever explicitly refer to himself by that name, aside from the "calling cards" mentioned at the end of Batman Begins?
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Do the events of The Dark Knight Rises prove Joker was right?

In The Dark Knight, the Joker adamantly believes that Gotham is only holding itself together because of the laws imposed on them or because of Batman: You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad ...
GGMG-he-him's user avatar
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In the comics is Two-face's coin a regular coin?

In Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight, Harvey Dent starts off with a double headed coin, which then gets turned into having two different sides when he becomes Two-face. Is this the same in the ...
ibid's user avatar
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During the bank robbery in The Dark Knight (movie), why is a private number dialled?

Related to this post in a way (Is the guy with the shotgun at the start of Dark Knight a regular comic character?), during the robbery, we see that one disables the alarm on the rooftop. Here is the ...
user35594's user avatar
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Does the catchphrase "Why so serious?" come from a previous Batman property?

Just watched the Dark Knight and was wondering if Joker's catchphrase "Why so serious?" comes from a comic or was it invented specifically for the film?
user35594's user avatar
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In Dark Knight, Is Coleman Reese more than he appears?

On the Batman wiki and elsewhere, there's mention of the possibility that Coleman Reese, This strikes me as interesting, but thin. On the other hand, I haven't seen a firm refutation anywhere, either....
Chris B. Behrens's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

What are this character's last words in The Dark Knight?

She's obviously cut off before she's blown up. But just wondering if anyone had an idea of what she was going to say. What are Rachel Dawes last words in The Dark Knight?
Jimromesadouche's user avatar
13 votes
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What was Jim Gordon's original plan and who else was involved in it?

In The Dark Knight, When the city calls for Batman to be arrested, Harvey Dent turns himself in as Batman before Bruce has a chance. During transport, the Joker and his men attack the transport. ...
phantom42's user avatar
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In The Dark Knight, how did the Joker get and set up all the oil drums without being found out?

How did the Joker buy (or steal) and move all the oil drums to the warehouses where he tied up Dent and Rachael without it raising any red flags?
Jim Gordon's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Were Batman's phones used to map surroundings using custom hardware? How did he distribute them?

In Nolan's Dark Knight, Batman (or rather Lucius Fox) develops a technology which allows using a phone as a mini-radar (I didn't quite catch if it was using EM like radar or sound like sonar, but ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

In "The Dark Knight", why did the cops want to evacuate Harvey Dent from the hospital in an empty bus?

After the Joker threatened to blow up a hospital, and doctors and cops in Gotham General (the hospital in which Harvey Dent was kept) started to evacuate patients, a cop said to another cop named ...
Korliyon's user avatar
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Why didn't Batman tell Harvey Dent that he tried to rescue Rachel?

In The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan, Harvey Dent blames Batman and Gordon for the death of Rachel. Harvey: The world is cruel. And the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased. ...
Nathan's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Why didn't they blame all the murders that Harvey Dent committed on Joker? [duplicate]

Today's question brought to you courtesy of awesome folks at "Honest Trailers" youtube series. Their "The Dark Knight" video made a point I never could figure out from Nolan's movie: They had several ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
11 votes
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Where was Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow imprisoned before The Dark Knight Rises?

Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow is one of the main villains in Batman Begins (2005). He is captured again by Batman at the beginning of The Dark Knight (2008). Also: Where was he imprisoned? Arkham Asylum ...
DavRob60's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Dark Knight: Didn't Dent Commit Enough Crimes to Discredit Himself Before He Became Two Face?

As Richard's answer to this question shows, if it became known that Harvey Dent was dirty, the mass arrests he authorized under RICO laws would have been overturned and the criminals set free. But ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Was the Joker’s scar story true?

In The Dark Knight, the Joker describes a scenario in which his father once came home, attacked his mother, and then brandished a knife at him, all the while repeating the line “Why so serious?” Is ...
Kevin The Knight's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What happens to Harvey Dent when the car turns over in The Dark Knight?

I was watching The Dark Knight after a long time and I noticed one scene where Two Face goes after the people who helped Joker kidnap him and Rachel Dawes. So he is sitting in a car with the gangster. ...
GuruGulabKhatri's user avatar
6 votes
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Do we know what the Joker's third origin story would have been?

In The Dark Knight, the Joker is about to tell a third origin story but gets interrupted by Batman. Joker: Speaking of which, you know how I got these scars? Batman: No, but I know how you got these. ...
Rogue Jedi's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Why didn't Batman just kill Joker when he had the chance?

In The Dark Knight, why didn't Batman just drop Joker off the roof?
Maxwell Smart's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How can cellular phones in Batman produce effective radar-like effects? [duplicate]

In The Dark Knight a city-wide surveillance system resembling sonar is portrayed. What is the in-universe explanation of how Gotham's phone's speakers and microphones are able to be used to generate ...
Hamhot Ptonel's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

In "The Dark Knight," how old was Rachel Dawes?

She appears to be a childhood friend of Bruce and Harvey.
Louis Holmes's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Who built the large-scale cell phone sonar device?

In the Christopher Nolan Batman movies, Lucious Fox seems to be the primary technologic mastermind. In fact, we're never shown Batman/Bruce actually inventing anything new himself - just devising ...
phantom42's user avatar
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Was "Let's put a smile on that face" taken from Batman Beyond?

In this Batman Beyond clip one of the Jokers says: Let's put a smile on that face. Is there any official source that Nolan got that quote from Batman Beyond and used it for the Joker in The Dark ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Which people and how many were boarded onto the ferries?

In The Dark Knight, Joker announces that people will have to live by his rules from now on, and warns them against escaping through bridges and tunnels. Authorities try to save people from him by ...
Aqeel Ashiq's user avatar
2 votes
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How did Harvey Dent get away with punching a witness?

In The Dark Knight, beloved "straight arrow" lawyer Harvey Dent punched a witness in court. In full view of the court he enacted physical violence against a member of the public. In fairness, the ...
Magikarp Master's user avatar
2 votes
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Why did the Wayne Enterprises corporate building change so radically? [duplicate]

Why did the Wayne Enterprises corporate building change so radically between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight? I saw no reference at all to the change in the movies themselves. The Wayne ...
Andrew Thompson's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How does Bruce figure out that the Joker was about to attack?

In The Dark Knight, the police discover a Joker card with DNA on it. At first they have no idea whose DNA it is and even Batman doesn't know about the DNA that exists on the card. The police run an ...
Robert's user avatar
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In the Dark Knight, does the Joker killing his men in bank robbery make sense? [closed]

He has said he is not motivated by money and proves it so why kill competent men? EDIT: I understand the Joker does irrational things but at the same time he must function as a criminal, had ...
Jeff's user avatar
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1 vote
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Why does Harvey Dent hate Bruce Wayne?

In The Dark Knight, Harvey Dent was never really a fan of Bruce Wayne from the start, as evidenced by him giving him weird and dirty looks. My question is Why? Is it something that Bruce did (and did ...
Christin_kate24's user avatar
1 vote
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In the movie The Dark Knight, what is the explanation for the cop allowing himself to be captured by the Joker in the police station?

I really wondered what would make an average detective think he would have a chance one-on-one with an arch-criminal. Was this scene to indicate that the Joker's formidableness was largely unknown or ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Why did the bank manager keep the grenade in his mouth?

As you can see from the original video, the bank manager could see clearly that the string of the grenade was attached to The Joker and I'm struggling to understand why he kept it in his mouth. There ...
Ka Wa Yip's user avatar
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What did The Joker eat at the Harvey Dent fundraiser?

When The Joker crashes the party, he grabs a skewer containing a shrimp and a small red object, and eats the red thing. What is it? The shot happens at about 1:30 in the clip below:
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why didn't Rachel try to escape in The Dark Knight when held captive by the Joker?

In the Dark Knight, Rachel and Harvey are strapped to bombs and chairs, surrounded by oil drums. Rachel was very clearly conscious the entire time whereas Harvey was unconscious and woke up to her ...
Robert's user avatar
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