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Questions tagged [the-defenders-2017]

For questions about the Defenders, a 2017 TV show produced by Netflix and part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. All questions should also be tagged with [marvel] and [marvel-cinematic-universe]. If you have a question about one of the characters specifically include their specific character tags.

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Were those inconsistencies in Marvel-Netflix shows ever addressed?

In Daredevil season 2 , it is revealed that the Hand had discovered the key to immortality and stuff. Okay, that's solid. Later, in The Defenders, they resurrect Elektra with some "substance" later ...
Nikita Neganov's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is the Black Sky unique or are there many Black Skys?

In season 1 of Daredevil, But then in season 2, and then in The Defenders So which one is it?
Alex Kinman's user avatar
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2 answers

Has Moon Knight been hinted at in the MCU?

This article from Film School Rejects says the following: The Marvel Cinematic Universe has taken obscure properties like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man and turned them into blockbusters. One ...
Torisuda's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why did The Hand harvest this substance in Daredevil, when this other substance seemed important in the Defenders?

Back in Daredevil, we learn that The Hand is But then in The Defenders we find out that The Hand's
Shufflepants's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

What does the afterlife look like in the Marvel universe?

Warning: mild spoiler for Daredevil TV show. The third episode of The Defenders TV show on Netflix starts with Shortly after, Alexandra has a discussion with this character (named X hereafter) that ...
Taladris's user avatar
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2 answers

What would happen if Luke Cage needed surgery?

In Marvel's The Defenders we can clearly see that the Iron Fist can damage Luke Cage's jaw. If he had broken his jaw, sliced some of his flesh, broken a tooth etc., could Luke Cage have gotten proper ...
calina-c's user avatar
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5 votes
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Impact of collecting the substance?

Why will collecting the substance result in the destruction of New York?
Zoredache's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is the difference between Harold, Elektra and the leaders of the Hand?

We have seen the Hand resurrect various people throughout the Netflix TV series, Harold Meechum, Nabu, Elektra and it is suggested (and seen) that various members of the hand leadership have also been ...
Richard C's user avatar
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How does one identify a Black Sky?

We know that We also know that there are other Black Sky, such as the child that we saw on Daredevil. Various actors, such as Stick and the Hand, seem to know that the aforementioned individual is ...
Adamant's user avatar
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Is the Elektra film in the same continuity as Marvel's The Defenders?

In the movie Elektra, with Jennifer Garner, she was called "The Treasure", in which she was an assassin trained by Stick that could resurrect the dead. Does that story have anything to do with the ...
Jenisha young's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does the Hand think that the Black Sky is an empty vessel?

The Hand is well-known for using resurrection to maintain both their own immortality and that of others. As we see on Iron Fist, it can lead to the person it is used on becoming more and more violent ...
Adamant's user avatar
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4 answers

Why use resources on this character?

This whole question is going to be one huge spoiler for the show The Defenders and a bit of Daredevil. So leave if you must. In The Defenders, the Hand (or at least Alexandra) choose to resurrect ...
Edelk's user avatar
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Must the Black Sky die?

At the end of the second season of Daredevil, After this, she was referred to as the “Black Sky,” and possessed lethal combat abilities. However, she was called by this name before her death, and ...
Adamant's user avatar
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3 answers

What powers did the Black Sky have?

As revealed on Daredevil, and mentioned many times on The Defenders, This leads the Hand to put a lot of faith in her ability to lead them to victory. But what powers does this actually give her? ...
Adamant's user avatar
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What are the areas of origin of the Hand?

On The Defenders, we learn that the Hand consists of So far as I can tell: Madame Gao is originally from China. Murakami is originally from Japan. Sowande is originally from Africa, but I didn’t ...
Adamant's user avatar
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What did Danny mean?

In The Defenders, when Madame Gao and the rest of the Hand reveal their use of to maintain their immortality, Danny says that What does he mean? Shou-Lao was alive when Danny did his trial and ...
Adamant's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Can one watch Defenders without watching the previous individual shows?

I have an active interest in most super-hero films and shows that have come out, however, as the title indicates, I've not seen them all. However, with the release of Marvel's: The Defenders today, I ...
Edlothiad's user avatar
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