Questions tagged [the-flash]

For questions about the DC Comics superhero "The Flash", a speedster superhero that spans different DC Comic universes and timelines. Always use in conjunction with the [dc] tag and add the relevant work tag where appropriate e.g. [arrowverse]. For questions about the TV shows see [the-flash-2014] and [the-flash-1990].

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is the purpose of the designs on the wall?

On both Earth 1 and Earth 2, there is what appears to be braille writing on the walls of the Time Vault. It seems to have no functional purpose. Why is there braille writing, or whatever the design ...
phantom42's user avatar
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Do these metahumans match up with real comic versions?

At the end of Season 2 Episode 21, Here are a few screenshots: Are these metahumans pulled directly from the comics? Put another way, do they correspond to actual DC comic characters or are they ...
TheIronCheek's user avatar
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What Is The Fastest That We Have Seen Bart Allen Travel?

What is the fastest that we have seen Bart Allen travel in any continuity? It doesn't matter if it is when he was Impulse, Kid Flash or The Flash. I'm interested in the issue number and page (image ...
opticyclic's user avatar
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What Is The Fastest We Have Seen Jay Garrick Travel?

What is the fastest that we have seen Jay Garrick travel in any continuity? I'm interested in the issue number and page (image if possible) that he actually travels at his top speed rather than a ...
opticyclic's user avatar
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Why does Team Flash always use a certain room for inter-dimensional travel?

In The Flash (2014), the team always uses a certain room at STAR Labs for traveling between Earths, even when they are just using Cisco's powers. However, he is capable of creating inter-dimensional ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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