Questions tagged [the-force]

For questions about the energy field that connects all living things in the Star Wars universe, known as The Force. Always use this tag in conjunction with the [star-wars] tag. Use with a more specific work tag when appropriate.

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6 votes
4 answers

Are there any additional belief systems regarding The Force, other than Light, Dark and Grey?

That I know of, there is the Light, the Dark and the Grey. You make a concious decision which of these paths to follow, but are there any additional belief systems someone could adhere to if they ...
Daft's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does every living thing pass into the force after it dies?

In the "Clone Wars" Series 6, episode 12 "Destiny", Yoda has a hallucination where he sees a vision of a dying Ashoka within the Jedi Temple. She asks You cast me out of the Jedi order... tell me, ...
Mikasa's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Are there Light side powers and "Light Jedi"?

To put into context, Force powers such as Force Lightning are considered exclusively Dark side powers. Dark Jedi are defined as Force users who have succumbed to the Dark side, yet are not officially ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Elements of The Force in A New Hope

It occurred to me recently, having re-watched Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, that I didn't notice any occurences of the Force being used to physically manipulate anything throughout the movie. Obi-...
Etheur's user avatar
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1 answer

Can one's future self cause one's past self to have a Force vision?

Mastery of the Force can lead to many fantastical things, such as empathic and telepathic abilities, telekinesis, life extension, and the ability to predict the future to some extent (so-called "Force ...
Praxis's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

How old was Emperor Palpatine, and did the dark side keep him alive?

Does anyone know how old Emperor Palpatine was? He seems about 60 in Episode 1 and about 70 in 2 and 3 (I'd guess) so pretty old in the original trilogy - 90 ish? And, I think this counts as the same ...
ThruGog's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Are there animals that can use the Force?

The statement "Midi-chlorians are a microcopic lifeform that reside within all living cells..." made by Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace implies that any living creature could potentially ...
Praxis's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Could several Jedi peacefully overpower one Sith opponent through nonviolent Force techniques?

This question, and the answers it produced, got me thinking - could a group of Jedi working together confront a single Sith opponent and peacefully subdue him/her by using nonviolent Force techniques, ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

What exactly was the plague that stripped the Rakata of their Force powers?

In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, we learn that long before the original Republic, the galaxy was ruled by the Builder Empire, an oppressive regime of dark-side Rakata who used the dark side ...
Jimmy Breck-McKye's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Can Force Lightning be projected from a distant source (e.g. the sky)?

Can Force Lightning be projected from a distant source (such as the sky or a charged object) rather than from a Sith's body? If possible, this could potentially (EE pun intended) make it more ...
Null's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How did Yoda counter Count Dooku's Force lightning?

In the scene where Master Yoda fights Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus on Geonosis in Episode II, Dooku uses Force lightning on Yoda. Here's a relevant clip. The lightning starts around 3:22 In a recent ...
user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Would a Jedi (Sith) clone be force-full or force-less

Just seen a picture of Vader Force-choking a trooper. And then I started wondering: what if they had cloned a Sith (or a Jedi). Would the clones have the Force? Specifically, would they have the same ...
algiogia's user avatar
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57 votes
3 answers

Why don't the Jedi use tutaminis instead of using their lightsabers?

Tutaminis (force energy absorption) allows a Jedi to catch blaster bolts and even stop lightsabers with their body using the Force: Why don't the Jedi just use tutaminis to defend themselves instead ...
Lenie Lenape's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is there any organization that would hunt force sensitive animals?

There seems to be a lot of force sensitive animals, some of them rare. Did anyone set out to hunt of the rare ones and why? I'm much more interested in organisations than individual hunters, but if ...
Jekowl's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Isn't the Force always with you? [duplicate]

Characters frequently say, "may the force be with you." Based on what we learn about midi-chlorians, isn't the force always with you? These organisms exist in one's body, and they are responsible for ...
erdekhayser's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a species that don't have Force Sensitives? [duplicate]

In Star Wars, we see that the ranks of the Jedi and Sith are made up of a myriad of different sentient species throughout the galaxy. Are there races in the galaxy that just simply can't have force-...
Him_Jalpert's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Are hand motions required to use the Force?

In almost every canon (that is, visual) source, Force users typically wave a hand to invoke the Force to move or manipulate objects, people and thoughts. I get out-of-universe this is a visual cue ...
Michael Itzoe's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does the power of the Force change in relation to how many people are alive?

I was reading about the Force in Star Wars. Since the Force is tied to all living things, wouldn't wars reduce the Force’s overall power depending on the users alignment, or just generally if there ...
Dreamwalker's user avatar
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What are the ways used by Sith to dramatically extend their lifetimes?

One of the point brought up in the debate about Dark Side vs Light Side power is Dark Side users being able to use the Force to dramatically extend their lifetimes. One of the ways, EU says, Sith ...
Shisa's user avatar
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16 answers

Is the Dark Side of the Force more powerful?

I was watching the battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin in Revenge of the Sith, and it struck me that most of the time Obi-Wan was getting pushed back by Anakin, and he only really got the upper hand ...
Twilight Sparkle's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Are Sith stronger than Jedi? [closed]

It always seems that the Sith have the upper hand against the Jedi, even though since the 'Rule of Two', there are only two Sith and countless Jedi. So is the dark side of the Force stronger than the ...
Roberto Medrano's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Are there any neutral Force Users?

Has there ever been any neutral force users (including but not limited to Jedi)? Someone who didn't belong neither to the light nor the dark side of the force, but somewhere in the middle? I've never ...
Shevliaskovic's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Do Sith experience fear?

In the Clone Wars when Count Dooku first encounters Asajj Ventress and she claims to be Sith, he rebuffs her claiming that Sith do not feel fear and he senses fear in her. However when Yoda is ...
DQdlM's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any known Jedi or Sith Ewoks?

Are there any known Jedi or Sith from the Ewok species? It seems to me that any species with enough intelligence is capable of becoming Force sensitive.
Raego's user avatar
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67 votes
1 answer

Are there any known Sith from Yoda's species?

I have been doing some reading and researching about Yoda's species. It seems that, even if their species name and homeworld remain a mystery (and are wanted to remain a mystery), there is evidence ...
Kreann's user avatar
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Did "the force" ever use a different name?

I know that the dark side and the light side of the force were referred to as Bogan and Ashla (in reference to both Typhon's light and dark moons), But did "the force" as a collective ever use a ...
SaturnsEye's user avatar
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3 answers

Was there a first known "force" user/s?

As the Dai Bendu (pre Je'daii) were the first to use the force, was there ever a documented case of "a first person" to actually use the force before anyone else? or was the force something that ...
SaturnsEye's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

Why doesn't someone try to turn ON/OFF enemy's lightsaber using the Force?

Lightsabers turn OFF when its wielder drops it or he/she dies. It means there's some kind of pressure button on lightsabers which needs to be always pressed to keep is ON. In case of lightsaber throw,...
user931's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Can the Jedi manipulate electronics?

Can a Jedi manipulate electronics? For instance could they scramble the machine code running on a robot? If they can't why not? They can manipulate physical objects so manipulating the insides of a ...
JonasE's user avatar
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45 votes
4 answers

How is the Jedi mind trick not a dark side technique?

How is the Jedi Mind Trick not a Dark Side technique? Isn't tricking another person's mind unethical? How can the Jedi use it and not become Dark?
LCIII's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Does one's ability to use the Force depend on distance?

In all the action scenes I'm familiar with, the Force is used only on people or objects nearby within visual sight of the Force user. However there are situations where force users can sense ...
Adam Davis's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Are only Force Sensitives able to see Force Ghosts?

And is the clarity of the Force Ghost as visible to you directly proportional to how much training in using/sensing the Force you have? In the Original Trilogy, Obi-Wan's ghost only appears to Luke; ...
Shisa's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Do Hutts have a biological resistance to Force manipulation?

The question Why was Jabba immune to Luke's powers of the Force in Return of the Jedi? posits that Jedi Mind Tricks do not work on Jabba because he is strong willed. This makes a good deal of sense, ...
phantom42's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Why do Jedi trust the Force which isn't immutable?

The Sith conduct experiments with the Force and they have changed the Force many times (for example, the Grand Experiment). Provided that the Jedi have researched both the Force and the Sith, it's ...
user931's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

What makes a place strong in the Force?

In Star Wars: The Clone Wars S06E11 - Voices, Yoda told R2-D2 that Dagobah was strong in the Force. High midi-chlorian counts makes a person strong in the Force, but what makes a place strong in the ...
user931's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Is there a general term for Jedi and Sith?

Is there a term for the Jedi and Sith? I mean if you don't know if the person is a Jedi or a Sith, but you know the person is using a lightsaber and has a big knowledge about the force, what a term ...
ReeCube's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How much close control over physical objects is possible with the Force?

The Jedi can control objects with the mystical power called the Force without touching them. In the movies you can see, that the Jedi or Sith are moving objects really fast and really well controlled ...
ReeCube's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Long-distance Mind Trick

In the Star Wars universe, could a Jedi Mind Trick be performed over the telephone? For instance, could Yoda have called up the Imperial embassy on Dagobah and mind tricked whoever answered into ...
Yubnubs's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Why do the Jedi insist on the concept of "No Attachment"? [duplicate]

At the surface, it sounds like a complete butchering of the Buddhist concept of attachment, which is not what most people think, and has more to do with more to do with denying ourselves suffering and ...
joshbirk's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Are Midi-chlorians able to be infused or transplanted?

The more questions about the Force I read in here, the more Midi-chlorian count is used as a reference. As I understood, Midi-chlorians are the measurement for the Force power level of one user. As I ...
Trollwut's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does a Force-sensitive person broadcast Force presence signal while asleep?

Can the Force presence of a sleeping Force-sensitive person be detected? As I understand it, Force presence has to do with midi-chlorian presence in the fabrics of the Force realm. So, the Force ...
user931's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Physics behind the "force push"

When a gifted character uses "push" on something or someone, he or she doesn't get involved in action-reaction force pairs. Here is some force on human body as an action. Where is the ...
huseyin tugrul buyukisik's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Why don't Jedi (or Sith) use the Force to snap their foes' necks?

I understand that the Jedi use the Force for self defence, but still, couldn't they just use the Force to snap their foes' necks and be done with it? Like when Jaina Solo was hunting down Darth Caedus....
nyrondi29's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

From how far away can Force Choke be used?

In The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader uses Force Choke to kill Admiral Ozzel. At the time Vader is in his meditation chamber while Ozzel and Needa are presumably on the bridge of the Executor. ...
phantom42's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why did Obi-Wan disappear instead of being cut in two pieces? [duplicate]

In A New Hope, at the climax of the duel, we are led to believe Obi-Wan turns instantly into a force ghost. Why did he not get cut in two, similar to how Anakin was diced in episode 3, taking away ...
howler's user avatar
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Force throw defense

In various scenes, a Jedi or a Sith moves big & heavy objects (like in the Yoda vs Dooku duel at the end of Attack of the Clones) and throws it to opponent. Isn't the other way easier - throwing ...
huseyin tugrul buyukisik's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Where is this source for Kinetite powers?

If you check the Kinetite page on Wookieepedia, it states that Sith masters used this power to flatten ferrocrete bunkers. Where is the canon source that states that?
user17284's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

What did Yoda mean when he said "Strong am I in the Force, but not that strong"?

In Return of the Jedi, as Yoda lies dying, he speaks to to Luke: YODA Soon will I rest. Yes, forever sleep. Earned it, I have. Yoda sits himself on his bed, with great effort. LUKE ...
ApproachingDarknessFish's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Did Luke's Force ability prevent Vader from aquiring target lock in the trench above Death Star 1?

From TVTropes "The Force Is Strong With This One": (usual TVTropes link alert) Star Wars. Vader names the trope when he's chasing Luke down the Death Star's trench, and finding himself unable to ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Can someone become artificially Force-sensitive?

Can someone become artificially Force-sensitive? I'm a film student working on a script on a Star Wars film as a personal project. Without giving too much away, one of the main key parts of the story ...
Duncan Scott's user avatar

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