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Questions tagged [thor-love-and-thunder]

Thor: Love and Thunder (July 2022) is the fourth Thor title in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, taking place after Avengers: Endgame. Use with the [marvel] and [marvel-cinematic-universe] tags. Use with [thor] if asking about the character.

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33 votes
2 answers

What is this beast in Thor: Love and Thunder trailer?

In the newly released Thor: Love and Thunder trailer we see a large beast. What is this beast?
codeczar's user avatar
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What are the statues at the Eternity gate?

At the Eternity gate there are a few statues lining the chamber. I assume they are all known Marvel characters. Who were all the ones we saw? (click to enlarge)
OrangeDog's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Who are the gods and goddesses that appear in Thor: Love and Thunder?

In Thor: Love and Thunder, there were a lot of gods and goddesses shown at Omnipotence City, but several of them are unidentified or not clearly identified in the film. Who are they? Do they have ...
galacticninja's user avatar
10 votes
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Who are these two of Thor's love interests (blue-haired "swashbuckling Passionista" woman and "wolf woman") and where are they from?

In Thor: Love and Thunder, Korg narrates that Thor had two love interests aside from Jane Foster: a blue-haired (pirate?) woman (described by Korg as a "swashbuckling Passionista") who Thor ...
galacticninja's user avatar
9 votes
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Who was the previous holder of the Necrosword?

In the opening scene of Thor: Love and Thunder, Gorr finds Rapu, who was celebrating the death of the Necrosword holder. Later, Rapu disappoints Gorr and Gorr kills him. Who was this previous holder ...
shanu's user avatar
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Why didn't this happen to Captain America in Avengers: Endgame?

In Thor: Love and Thunder, we saw that In Avengers: Endgame, Captain America wielded Mjölnir, however that didn't happen to him (he retained his normal outfit). Why is this?
Mocas's user avatar
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What was Jane's catchphrase?

At the end of Thor: Love and Thunder Jane whispers her latest and greatest catchphrase idea to Thor who pronounces it 'perfect'. What was the catchphrase?
Valorum's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why didn't Thanos and the Avengers go to the realm of Eternity instead?

In Thor: Love and Thunder we get to know about the realm of Eternity and how it can grant one person a wish. Why didn't Thanos nor the Avengers go there to make their wish instead of collecting all ...
Mocas's user avatar
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3 answers

How did the non-Asgardian children came to be New Asgard residents?

In Thor: Love and Thunder, it was revealed that there were several non-Asgardian children that are living in New Asgard. They, along with the Asgardian children, end up getting kidnapped by Gorr. ...
galacticninja's user avatar
3 votes
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Why did Gorr still want to kill Thor?

In Thor: Love & Thunder, Gorr the God Butcher goes on a mission to kill all gods after being betrayed by his own god, thinking that all gods are selfish and don't care about their people. He then ...
Mocas's user avatar
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Has Thor ever given his power to others the same way he did in Love & Thunder?

In "Thor: Love & Thunder", we saw Thor giving his powers to the kidnapped children for one time only to fight the shadow monsters. I was wondering if he ever given his powers before the ...
Mocas's user avatar
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Who is this woman wielding Mjölnir?

The new Thor: Love and Thunder trailer dropped. After the title hero they teased a woman catching Mjölnir, Captain America-style (See trailer at around the 1:19 mark). Who is this character?
Machavity's user avatar
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How is Gorr able to heal from the Necrosword?

In the opening scene of Thor: Love and Thunder, Gorr slices his hand on the Necrosword as he crawls into the oasis of a god. However, his hand heals near instantaneously. How did this happen? Was it ...
Peter Nielsen's user avatar
0 votes
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Did this character's illness have a non-terrestrial cause?

In the film Thor: Love and Thunder, is revealed to be suffering from a highly aggressive cancer that appeared very suddenly. Notwithstanding that at least one of their parents also died of cancer at ...
Valorum's user avatar
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What Marvel movies have a lead actor's spouse/significant other as a side role in the same movie?

In Thor: Love and Thunder, when describing Thor's love life, Korg explains how Thor fell in love with a "wolf woman", among others. The "wolf woman" was played by Elsa Pataky, ...
Peter Nielsen's user avatar