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Can a character come to exist or be conceived out of time travel? [closed]

In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the character Delphini is introduced as being the love child of Voldermort and Bellatrix Lastrange. The wiki cites and there are also other well-researched ...
Darth Locke's user avatar
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Why new Time Turners were not produced when needed?

By the time of the Cursed Child, time turners but we discover that It's then made pretty clear that once the time turners are Why couldn't someone just make more? I mean, the already existing ones ...
user103390's user avatar
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How can Albus and Scorpius forget the past in alternate timelines and retain memories from original timeline?

In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play, when you change past, time travellers aren't immune to changes. For example, when Harry got killed in the past, the time traveller Albus also got kicked out ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
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Why didn't Lucius Malfoy use this item earlier in the novel series?

We learn in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child that apparently: So why did Draco spend 30 chapters in Book 6 fixing a cabinet when Lucius could have given it to Voldemort in one chapter in Book 4? ...
Dscern's user avatar
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How does Time travel work in Harry Potter universe?

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the logic behind time turner travel seems to obey a Stable Time Loop or Causal Loop, where you fulfill what has already happened. However in Harry Potter ...
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