Questions tagged [trudi-canavan]

For questions about the fantasy works of Trudi Canavan, an Australian author born in 1969.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why Sachakan magicians communicate in Kyralian?

In the Trudi Canavan's Black Magician Trilogy when Akkarin and Sonea travel to Sachaka they were able to eavesdrop on Sachakan mages who spoke Kyralian with Sachakan accent. Why on Earth Sachakans ...
Shana Tar's user avatar
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How old (long) is the Age of Five

In Trudi Canavan's the Age of Five, the new age ends with the death of the "many" a large number of Gods and the ascension of The Five. At some point they begin making White, with Juran ...
Jontia's user avatar
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Creation of Siyee and Elai

In the Age of Five we are introduced to human groups that have been mutated by the magic of Huan into flying people (Siyee) and Sea people (Elai). When were the Siyee and Elai created out of the human ...
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