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Questions tagged [undying-lands]

For questions about the "Undying Lands", the realm in "The Lord of the Rings" inhabited by Ainur and Elves, including Aman and the island of Tol Eressëa. Always use in conjunction with the [tolkiens-legendarium] and use with additional works tags where appropriate, for example, [the-lord-of-the-rings].

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23 votes
1 answer

Was Gimli the only mortal, non-ring bearer to ever go to the Undying Lands?

In the appendices of The Lord of the Rings, it is mentioned that Gimli goes with Legolas to the Undying Lands. Is he the only mortal non-ringbearer who was granted this privilege or do we have anyone ...
Himarm's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What is the population of the Undying Lands?

Is there any Canon reference as to Valinor's population? All the Elves of old who survived conflict apparently live there and all the remaining Elves from Middle Earth went there, so how many are ...
Morgan's user avatar
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36 votes
3 answers

Why were the three rings allowed to go to the Undying Land?

The One Ring, it is said, would not be allowed in Valinor, but the three rings, Narya, Nenya and Vilya, crafted by Celebrimbor (who learned the skill from Sauron) were allowed to travel West. All went ...
Morgan's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Are Frodo and Bilbo immortal after they go to Valinor? [duplicate]

In the end of the last film Frodo and Bilbo gain Access to Valinor. Are they immortal like the elves when they get there or do they die "normal"?
N.R.'s user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Were Men forbidden from going to Aman prior to the creation of Númenor?

From the text of the Akallabêth, it is clear that following the creation of Númenor, the "Ban of the Valar" forbade the Edain from sailing anywhere near Aman, or even Tol Eressëa. And the earlier ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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61 votes
3 answers

Did Mandos make any decisions that didn't prove to be disastrous?

Mandos is the great judge of the Valar, and his decisions are widely respected by all the other Valar. But most of his judgements have disastrous consequences for the Valar, the Elves, and all of ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to sneak into the Undying Lands via the Elven ships?

To get to the Undying Lands one has to take one of the Elven ships and sail into the west. This journey is meant only for the Elves, Ringbearers and a select few others. But would it be possible for ...
Thomas Jacobs's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Why did Eru and the Valar treat the Undying Lands with more importance than Middle Earth?

So we learn that Eru, under the urging of the Valar, set the Undying Lands apart to prevent Sauron from carrying out an invasion, destroying Númenor in the process. Why was either the Valar or Eru ...
Moo's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

What are the Undying Lands?

I've heard a lot about the Undying Lands but I don't fully understand how they're different from Middle-earth and why only certain people/races are allowed to go there. Can someone explain?
202's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Would Sauron's army reach the Undying Lands if the Ring was not destroyed?

Frodo casts the Ring into Mount Doom and saves Middle Earth. Subsequently he-- along with Gandalf and all the Elves-- exits Middle Earth and goes to a place called the Undying Lands, the haven for the ...
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