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7 votes
4 answers

Which films are required viewing before "Avengers: Endgame"?

My girlfriend is interested in watching Avengers: Endgame on April 24, and as she doesn't have time to see all the MCU movies, I want to re-watch some of them with her in order to watch Endgame ...
Dhon Joe's user avatar
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Is there a less fragmented order for watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe before Avengers: Endgame? [closed]

As winter turns to spring, a young nerd's thoughts may turn from the brightly-blossoming trees and unfamiliar sunshine, towards the warm and familiar embrace of a Marvel Cinematic Universe re-watch in ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Can one watch Defenders without watching the previous individual shows?

I have an active interest in most super-hero films and shows that have come out, however, as the title indicates, I've not seen them all. However, with the release of Marvel's: The Defenders today, I ...
Edlothiad's user avatar
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38 votes
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Which MCU movies are essential background for Civil War?

I'm interested to see Captain America: Civil War, but I haven't been keeping up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe very well. I've seen the first Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America films, half of the ...
Torisuda's user avatar
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What's more important to have seen before Civil War: Daredevil S2 or Agent Carter S2?

My best friend has been lagging behind on her MCU TV shows lately. She's definitely going to be caught up with Agents of SHIELD before seeing Civil War, but she may not have time to watch both Agent ...
user24601's user avatar
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Is there any dependency between MCU and X-Men films?

Is there any need to have watched any MCU films in order to watch any of the 7 X-Men films (2000-2014)? On one hand, they are all Marvel universe based and obviously all share interconnected ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
31 votes
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Which Marvel TV episodes are related to the MCU movies?

I've kept up to date with the movies from the MCU, but I am grossly out of date with the TV series, of which I think there is only Agent Carter (not as relevant for the movies I think, besides that ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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0 votes
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In what order should I watch the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? [duplicate]

What films make up the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and what order should they be watched in?
Akshay Khale's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is Netflix's "Daredevil" a prerequisite for "Age of Ultron"?

I'm trying to set my friend up with an MCU binge to make sure he's all caught up for Age of Ultron. I feel kind of bad already piling two seasons of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter and two movies on him,...
user24601's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Do I need to watch Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.LD. TV series before Avengers: Age of Ultron movie?

I want to go and watch the new Avengers movie, but I've never watched Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Can that be a problem? I don't want to get confused while watching the movie. Is the TV series ...
Beck Hot Dog Water's user avatar
2 votes
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MCU: Agents of SHIELD/Age of Ultron viewing order? [duplicate]

So, as has been known for a while (and which should surprise absolutely no one), Agents of SHIELD and Age of Ultron will impact each other's stories. Can someone please name, without any spoilers, ...
user24601's user avatar
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Netflix's Daredevil & Marvel Movies - What order? [duplicate]

How does Netflix's Daredevil fit into this Marvel movie order? Captain America: The First Avenger Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter (short; Iron Man 3 release) Iron Man The Incredible Hulk (campus ...
AdriR913's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Novels set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

I've recently started reading some of the Star Wars extended universe novels, and have really started to enjoy them. I'm also a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the storylines and ...
Shadowman's user avatar
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3 answers

Should I watch The Avengers before going to see Iron Man 3?

I want to catch up on the older movies before going to see Iron Man 3. Do I need to watch The Avengers (and therefore Thor, too)*? Or will Iron Man and Iron Man 2 be enough? * I realize this ...
dpatchery's user avatar
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49 votes
8 answers

Which films should I see before "The Avengers"?

I haven't seen any of the movies in the universe that includes The Avengers. However, this one is a Joss Whedon film, so of course I'll see it. But first, should I go watch any other movies in that ...
Jay Bazuzi's user avatar
164 votes
5 answers

Is there an official Marvel Cinematic Universe viewing order?

What's the correct order to watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe films? Has Marvel released any sort of official viewing order? And what TV shows or short films should be included and where?
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